GMC recognition and renewal for GP Supervisors

This page provides the information about the mandatory process of approval or renewal as a GP Supervisor. General Practitioners can apply for General Medical Council recognition as a Clinical Supervisor (CS) or Educational Supervisor (ES) during attendance of the relevant course. Renewal is required 2 years after the first approval, then every 5 years.

The first step of both the approval and the renewal processes is that the relevant set of forms need to be filled in and emailed to as a complete batch of Word files. For security reasons, we are unable to open .zip files. These forms should adhere to the templates found in the lists below.

Please note that incomplete sets of forms, or missing details, cause delays.

To be approved as a Clinical Supervisor (CS), all the following documents need to be completed:

Educator Approval Form

Set of timetables – this needs to be submitted using only the template provided

Summary of CQC inspection report (if available)

The full set of forms need to be received at GP Supervisors should contact their Training Programme Director if they need support with the forms. The intending CS will be contacted for a meeting.

Unlike a GP Clinical Supervisor, an ITP specialty clinical supervisor is a member of staff who is appropriately qualified to provide clinical supervision within the host organisation. This does not mean that they need to go through this approval process or be recognised as supervisors by the General Medical Council.

To renew or transfer as a Clinical Supervisor, the CS needs to complete Supervisor Renewal Form. The CS will need to embed feedback from previous two learners and their latest educator peer appraisal. The form is reviewed by a senior educator and there is usually no meeting required.

To be approved as an Educational Supervisor, all the following documents must be completed:

Educator Approval Form

Summary of CQC Inspection Report (if available)

Set of timetables

Feedback from previous two learners

Educator peer appraisal

Assessment of observed teaching session

The full set of forms need to be received at The intending ES will be contacted for a meeting. GP Supervisors should contact their Training Programme Director if they need support with the forms.

To renew or transfer as an Educational Supervisor, the ES needs to complete the Supervisor Renewal Form. The ES will need to embed feedback from previous two learners and their latest educator peer appraisal. The form is reviewed by a senior educator and there is usually no meeting required.

To approve Integrated Training Posts, the GP Training Programme Director (TPD) should complete the GPST ITP Form. The TPD is responsible for checking with the General Medical Council (GMC) whether the location is approved for doctors in postgraduate training, and to record this on the form. The GMC’s list of approved programmes and locations can be found using their website.

If you are a new Clinical Supervisor in a practice that is not part of an approved Clinical Learning Environment, or an Educational Supervisor that has moved to a practice that is not approved, the Clinical Learning Environment Approval Form will need to be completed and submitted. The Quality Team will arrange for the assessment of Clinical Learning Environments in primary and community care through the Training Hubs. For more information visit this page.

Feedback from learners

GP Supervisors should ensure that they seek feedback regularly from their learners through the exit interview process. A feedback form can be downloaded by clicking the following link: learner feedback form.

Support for GP Supervisors forms

Our GP Training Programme Directors welcome GP Supervisors to contact them for support.

We welcome any questions or updates to be emailed to