Safe Prescribing

Importance of Safe Prescribing Introduction

A quarter of litigation claims in the NHS stem from medication errors. To investigate this, the West Midlands Workforce Deanery commissioned a study to determine how foundation year doctors learn the principles of good prescribing practice.

The resulting report and the General Medical Council (GMC) EQUIP[1] study highlighted serious weaknesses in existing educational approaches indicating that many newly qualified doctors are poorly prepared for prescribing.

The study found that poor prescribing is widespread and results in the underuse of effective medicines; avoidable adverse drug reactions; and medication errors.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) e-learning

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an important topic that has serious implications for future practice. To assist all staff in the battle to beat AMR a new e-learning package has been produced on E-learning for Health website: it should be noted that this training has been generated to educate all levels of staff and should be used alongside other training such as the SCRIPT ‘Principles of Prescribing in Infection’ and ‘Infection in Secondary Care’ modules which provides more clinical and pharmacological detail regarding antimicrobial stewardship. 

More information relating to SCRIPT requirements can be found by clicking the links below:

What is Script

Standard Computerised Revalidation Instrument for Prescribing and Therapeutics (SCRIPT)

SCRIPT is an innovative e-Learning programme that provides trainees with a series of modules to explore prescribing and therapeutics. SCRIPT is an easily accessible web based programme comprising over 40 modules, divided into 7 units covering competencies defined by the GMC and those required within the Foundation curriculum. The modules contain interactive videos, graphics and exercises. Each module is expected to take 30-90 minutes to complete.

How do I use Script

A user guide for Script can be downloaded from below

SCRIPT Guidance

SCRIPT Foundation National Guide

HEE National Tutor Guide

How do I access Script

Go to

Under “Register”, enter your email address and click “Get started”

You will be asked to provide the following information:


Email address

Telephone number


GMC number (may be referred to as (Professional Number)

Start year (i.e. year you started Foundation Training)

NHS Trust

Foundation School

Password (this is self-chosen)

When you have entered your details, you will need to agree to the terms and conditions.

You will receive an email confirming your registration. When this is complete you can log in and access the modules.

How many Script modules do I need to complete?

It is highly recommended that you complete a minimum of 6 script modules per year.

How do I evidence the Script modules I have completed?

When you have completed a module, and obtained a satisfactory pass %, a certificate will be generated. You should download this as soon as possible and upload a copy of it to your Horus account.

    Prescribing Assessments

    There are two common prescribing assessments that Foundation Doctors may have to undertake during their programme, the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) and the Doctors Prescribing Assessment (DPA).

    The PSA is mandated in all UK undergraduate medical degrees and must be successfully completed to pass onto F2. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that all Medical Graduates are competent to prescribe against the Prescribing Safety Assessment Blueprint. Information on the PSA is available here:

    Across Kent, Surrey and Sussex various trusts undertake the DPA. The DPA has been designed to:

    Test the practical application of doctors prescribing skills using local charts, guidelines and resources, with the aim of identifying prescribers who require further development in their prescribing skills and give opportunity to support them through targeted educational interventions.

    Resources are available below to assist trainees with preparation to prescribing and assessment: