ARCP Process

The Annual Review of Competence Progression is a review of evidence of achievement over the course of a year of training. The ARCP panel reviews and validates the educational supervisor’s recommended outcome against the foundation doctor’s portfolio of evidence. Although it is not in itself an assessment, it is a summative judgement of a foundation doctor’s performance and development throughout the year. The panel makes recommendations to the postgraduate dean. This means the process decides whether an individual doctor can progress to the next stage of training. Progression is dependent on evidence that the foundation doctor has met or exceeded the minimum expected level of performance in each of the foundation professional capabilities (foundation programme training outcomes) specified in the Foundation Programme Curriculum

Some foundation doctors need extensions in order to complete their foundation training.  Reasons include making up time missed because of illness and needing further training following an unsuccessful ARCP outcome.  

The following are considered:  

If a short (eg 2-4 weeks) extension to F1 training is necessary, then this may be carried out at the beginning of the first placement of that doctor’s F2 year.    

This is unlikely to be possible for some specialties, eg GP and emergency medicine, but may be feasible in other areas such as general medicine.  The Trust’s agreement must be obtained, as there may be rota and other issues to consider.  

Longer F1 and F2 extensions are planned individually.  The aim is to provide the necessary additional training while ensuring programme balance and geographical continuity.    

Where a foundation programme is based at 2 different acute trusts then the extension would be arranged at either the F1 or F2 trust, or a linked mental health trust or GP placement, but not elsewhere.  

A supernumerary placement is only arranged if no suitable vacancy exist.  

The Gold Guide is a document published by Health Education England as a reference guide for postgraduate speciality training in the UK. This sets out the arrangements agreed by the four UK Health Departments for core and/or specialty training programmes.

ARCP Dates

ARCP 2023 information will be updated as soon available on UKFPO website.

ARCP checklist – 2021 curriculum

Provisional registration and a licence to practise with the GMC (F1 only)To undertake the first year of the foundation programme, doctors must be provisionally registered with the GMC and hold a licence to practise. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. refugees), a fully registered doctor with a licence to practise may be appointed to the first year of a foundation programme.
Full registration and a licence to practise with the GMC (F2 only)To undertake the second year of the foundation programme, doctors must be fully registered with the GMC and hold a licence to practise.
Completion of 12 months’ (WTE) training (taking account of allowable absence)The maximum permitted absence from training, other than annual leave, is 20 days (when the doctor would normally be at work) within each 12-month (WTE) period of the foundation programme.
Where a doctor’s absence goes above 20 days, this will trigger a review of whether they need to have an extra period of training (see GMC position statement on absences from training in the foundation programme – June 2013).
A satisfactory educational supervisor’s end of year reportThe report should draw upon all required
evidence listed below.
If the FD has not satisfactorily completed one placement but has been making good progress in other respects, it may still be appropriate to confirm that the FD has met the requirements for progression.
Satisfactory educational supervisor’s end of placement reportsAn educational supervisor’s end of placement
report is required for all FD placements
EXCEPT for the last FD placement at each level of training. The educational supervisor’s end of year report replaces this.
Satisfactory clinical supervisor’s end of placement reportsA clinical supervisor’s end of placement report
is required for ALL placements. At least one CSR in each level of training must make use of PSG feedback. All of the clinical supervisor’s end of placement reports must be completed before the doctor’s Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP).
Satisfactory team assessment of behaviour (TAB)Minimum of one per level of training.
Satisfactory placement supervision group report (PSG)Minimum of one per level of training.
Satisfactory completion of all curriculum outcomesThe FD should provide evidence that they have met the 13 foundation professional capabilities, recorded in the e-portfolio.
Evidence to satisfy FPC1-5 must include direct observation of a sufficient variety of clinical encounters in the form of SLEs, and the specific life support capabilities specified in FPC2.
Satisfactory completion of all curriculum outcomes
Satisfactory engagement with the programme
Personal learning log of core/non-core teaching/and other learning
Reflection including summary narrative
Contemporaneously developed portfolio
Engagement with feedback on training programme
Completion of relevant probity/health declarations including Form R/SOAR or equivalent
Successful completion of the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA)
(F1 only)
The F1 doctor must provide evidence that they have passed the PSA within two years prior to entry to the programme or on completion of the programme.
Evidence of completion of additional requirements set by HEE/NES/NIMDTA/HEIW and approved by UKFP Board