A clinical supervisor is an appropriately trained educator who is responsible for overseeing a specified learner’s clinical work throughout a placement in a clinical environment. We are looking for GPs who intend to host learners and whose practices are happy for them to do so. All eligible general practitioners (GP) in Kent, Surrey and Sussex are welcome to express their interest in our General Practice Clinical Supervision Course using the webform linked below. This course is designed for gaining GMC recognition for clinical supervision in general practice. Out of hours supervisors can do e-learning instead using the following link: supervision e-learning.
GMC recognition
GPs who wish to become a named clinical supervisor for doctors in postgraduate training need to become recognised by the General Medical Council (GMC). If the eligibility criteria listed below apply to them, they can complete the GP supervisor approval process before they host doctors in postgraduate GP training.
In Kent, Surrey and Sussex, GMC recognised GP clinical supervisors oversee the clinical activity of post-graduate doctors in their second year of foundation training (FY2) and GP speciality trainees in their first or second year (GPST1/2). The roles of a GMC recognised clinical supervisor are explained on the following webpage: Medical Education Hub. GMC recognised GP clinical supervisors may supervise certain learners from the wider workforce. This is explained in the following link: KSS Primary Care Supervision Guidance.
GP Supervisors whose only supervisory role is for GP trainees for their Out of Hours (OOH) placements do not need recognition as clinical supervisors by the GMC. Your OOH providers can advise on what is needed, but there is an e-learning module available which OOH supervisors will find helpful.
Eligibility criteria for becoming a GMC recognised GP clinical supervisor
General Practitioners in Kent, Surrey and Sussex can become GMC recognised clinical supervisors if all the following criteria apply to them.
- They are in good standing with the General Medical Council and NHS England;
- They have been a qualified GP for 12 months at time of CS approval;
- They have attended the Kent, Surrey and Sussex GP clinical supervisor General Practice Clinical Supervision Course within the past 3 months;
- They regularly work clinically in an organisation approved for GP training sufficiently to provide adequate supervision for allocated learners. Usually this means a substantive role within the clinical learning environment (CLE);
- They have worked in this CLE on a regular basis for a minimum of 6 months;
- They follow the abeyance process if required. There is usually a 6-month abeyance period after transferring to a new CLE. After abeyance, there is a mandatory approval process.
Before staring the General Practice Clinical Supervision Pathway
GPs need to discuss with their organisation’s manager about their intention to attend the CS course and whether their learning environment has the capacity to host learners as a result. Their clinical learning environment needs to be approved before they can attend the course. This can be checked by emailing england.ksspc.educationquality@nhs.net.
For both days of the course, we would be grateful if aspiring clinical supervisors could please attend the course promptly and for the whole of both days. Course attendees should not attend course days partially. If a course registrant needs to cancel their attendance, they must do so as soon as possible.
Steps for becoming a GP clinical supervisor
- A GP can apply to enrol on a clinical supervisor (CS) course through the online form by clicking this link.
- The Primary Care Educator Pathway Team (EPT) screens the application for GMC recognition eligibility, using the criteria in the next section.
- The EPT will inform those applicants who are not eligible for GMC recognition.
- The GP attends the General Practice Clinical Supervision Course (2-day virtual course).
- Upon enrolment, eligible aspiring GP clinical supervisors are invited by the Primary Care Quality Team to submit CS approval forms.
- CS approval forms are reviewed by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Primary Care Department.
- The Primary Care Quality Team informs the aspiring Clinical Supervisor of the outcome of their meeting.
- Newly approved Clinical Supervisors must reapprove after 2 years, then after 5 years.
Course content
The General Practice Clinical Supervision Course introduces GPs to the generic knowledge and skills needed to work as a clinical supervisor. The 2-day interactive remote course introduces key concepts relating to ensuring safety for both learners and patients. Aspiring GP clinical supervisors will begin to appreciate how to recognise the level at which learners are working, how to begin educational planning through discussion and how to organise educational activities to meet the learning needs of the individual. Through practical workshops individuals will be able to rehearse in a safe environment the skills needed to give constructive feedback based on observation. There will be an introduction to core principles of adult educational theory and how to apply these in a practical setting. Clinical supervisors will have the opportunity to progress through the general practice educator pathway with further learning.
Upcoming dates for clinical supervisor courses
- CS75: 04 March 2025 and 11 March 2025
- CS77: 14 May 2025 and 15 May 2025
- CS78: 02 July 2025 and 09 July 2025
- CS79: 16 September 2025 and 23 September 2025
- CS80: 19 November 2025 and 28 November 2025
Express your interest to become a GMC-recognised GP clinical supervisor through the online form by clicking the following link: expression of interest form.
Support for general practice clinical supervisors
NHS Trusts in association with Foundation Schools (linked to the regional medical schools) administer the Foundation Programme. Each NHS Trust has a foundation director who has overall responsibility for the programme. Local medical education managers often assist in the practical organisation of the scheme.
GP training programme directors (TPDs) arrange GP placements for Foundation Year 2 doctors and are a source of help and advice. They also organise the local GP Trainer Groups. GMC recognised GP clinical supervisors also receive some financial support in the form of a GP trainer grant.
Clinical supervisors should contact their Primary Care Training Hub for support with learners from the wider workforce, including apprentices. To find the Primary Care Training Hub contact details, click the following link: Primary Care Training Hubs.