This page will give you all the information you need to sign off a trainee who is undertaking the enhance enable programme. Whilst these resources focus on foundation trainees, enhance is open to any healthcare professional in the NHS. If a more senior doctor that is interested in taking part the principals are exactly the same.


What is enhance?

Enhance is new educational offering from NHS England to improve generalist skills in all healthcare professionals. You can find out more in the video below: 

This short, interactive document also explains the programme in more detail.

Finally, this locally produced document also explains the enhance programme and has links to lots of national documents:

How do I sign off a trainee who has completed an enhance module?

Sign off for enhance has been streamlined as much as possible and should not take a significant amount of time. This video explains the process:

This document explains the process in a little more detail and has a step by step guide to uploading and reviewing evidence:

Are they any examples of the sign off forms that have been filled in?

We have provided example REAL and evidencing engagement forms below. One set is filled out well, and the other requires improvement. We have annotated each of these to explain why and they are available to download for reference.

What resources can I signpost my trainees towards?

This website has a page for each module with lots of free articles, videos, eLearning and podcasts for trainees to access. You can find links to these on the page menu. Trainees are also welcome to find their own resources, it is totally up to them.  

Where can I find out more?

– The enhance website outlines the programme and has links to a variety of materials

– The enhance guide for foundation doctors gives an excellent overview of the Enhance programme with links to other useful resources

– Enhance for educational supervisors is a section of the learning hub that has several useful resources