Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT)

Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT) Modules

The three regions that are incorporated within the South East of England are:

  • Kent, Surrey & Sussex (KSS)
  • Oxford
  • Wessex

Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT) is a training programme for hospital-based ophthalmic nursesoptometrists and orthoptists who wish to develop skills in one or more of four sub-specialty areas: 

Medical Retina,  GlaucomaCataract and Emergency Ophthalmology.

The programme, a collaboration between the Royal College of Ophthalmologists,  Royal College of NursingCollege of Optometrists and British and Irish Orthoptic Society, offers a standardised and supportive platform for these Non Medical Eye Health Professionals to learn new clinical skills for the benefit of their patients. 

For full details, please visit The Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Why should I get involved?

Ophthalmology as a specialty is facing significant workforce pressures and Non medical eye health professionals taking on extended clinical roles is seen as an essential part of a wider strategy to improve our capacity to provide eye care and meet our patients’ needs. The qualifications acquired through OPT are recognised nationally and allow those Non medical eye health professionals already engaged in extended roles to have their skills recognised formally too. 

How do I get started?

If you are considering signing up for the OPT program, please contact your Unit OPT Lead or departmental Clinical Lead to express your interest.

If your department is able to support your OPT enrolment, your Educational Supervisor and the Regional OPT Lead in the relevant specialty will sign the enrolment form to get you a formal training number from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists as well as your portfolio.

Even if your department is unable to support your application for OPT, please remember that you are warmly invited to attend the regional study days.

The Kent, Surrey, Sussex (KSS) OPT Team

Advanced Clinical Practice Lead for Ophthalmology:

Adam Bates adambates@nhs.net

Ophthalmic Practitioner Training Leads:

 South- East Thames Regional OPT Lead

Liz Tomlin Liz.Tomlin@gstt.nhs.uk


South-West Thames Regional OPT  lead

Alastair Porteous alastair.porteous@nhs.net

The Oxford OPT Team

Head of School:

Anna Meads anna.mead5@nhs.net

Ophthalmic Practitioner Training Lead:

Gurjeet Jutley Gurjeet.Jutley@ouh.nhs.uk

Wessex OPT Team

Training Programme Director:

Mr Alastair Lockwood alastairlockwood@googlemail.com 

Ophthalmic Practitioner Training Lead:

Rashi Arorarashi.arora1@nhs.net

Regional Education Advisor:

Doreen Khanlim,  Doreen.Khanlim@uhs.nhs.uk