Becoming and Developing our Primary Care Educators

Primary Care Supervisors are a crucial part of the General Practice workforce and support many groups of learners in their education and development. The following pages will give an overview of the Primary Care Supervisor roles available, how to apply and how to become GMC-recognised.


The supervision requirements for new roles in Primary Care, and established learners such as post-graduate doctors in GP training and student nurses, are clarified in A Guide to Supervision in Primary Care.

Outline of the GP Educator Pathway

You can listen to episode 2 of our KSS Pod in Action, about the GP Educator Pathway which describes the overall process for becoming a GP Supervisor.

Becoming a GP Clinical Supervisor

  1. A GP can apply to enrol on a clinical supervisor (CS) course through the online form by clicking this link.
  2. The Primary Care Educator Pathway Team (EPT) screens the application for GMC recognition eligibility, using the criteria in the next section.
  3. The EPT will inform those applicants who are not eligible for GMC recognition.
  4. The GP attends the General Practice Clinical Supervision Course (2-day virtual course).
  5. Upon enrolment, eligible aspiring GP clinical supervisors are invited by the Primary Care Quality Team to submit CS approval forms.
  6. CS approval forms are reviewed by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Primary Care Department.
  7. The Primary Care Quality Team informs the aspiring Clinical Supervisor of the outcome of their meeting.
  8. Newly approved Clinical Supervisors must reapprove after 2 years, then after 5 years.

Becoming a GP Educational Supervisor

  1. A KSS GP School approved Clinical Supervisor can apply to attend the Educational Supervisor (ES) course and enrol to undertake the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education (PG Cert), through our website.
  2. GPs are eligible if in a substantive post of four clinical sessions per week for 6 months at approval and 24 months post CCT at approval.
  3. The Education Pathway Officer screens the application for eligibility.
  4. If eligible, the ES applicant attends the ES course and completes a PG Cert (virtual 6-day course over 6 months).
  5. During this time, the ES applicant is invited by the Primary Care Quality team to submit ES accreditation forms.
  6. ES accreditation forms are reviewed by the Primary Care Department and an application meeting is conducted.
  7. The ES applicant is informed of the outcome by Primary Care Quality team.
  8. Newly approved Educational Supervisors must reaccredit after 2 years, then after 5 years.