This page will provide you with updates and information on HEE KSS Obstetrics and Gynaecology Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and Interim Reviews meetings (which all trainees will be required to attend).
Prior to the ten-month ARCP during each training year, trainees will be required to attend a meeting with the Head of School, Training Programme Director, a second school member and an external representative to discuss progress to date and review ePortfolios. This meeting will not form part of the ACRP but is a requirement of training within the region in this specialty.
KSS ARCPs, Interim Reviews and ATSM matching dates 2025
The KSS ARCP & Interim Review dates can be seen below:- please note these dates in your diary.
- ARCPs:
- 07 November 2024 – ARCP (out of sync)
- 10th March 2025 – ARCPs (out of sync)
- 19th June 2025 – ARCPs for ST1, ST3 and ST4 trainees
- 14th July 2025 – ARCPs for ST1, ST5, ST6 and ST7 trainees
- 6th November 2025 – ARCPs (out of sync)
- Interim Reviews: w/c 28th April 2025 and w/c 5th May 2025. Exact dates for each HUB will be confirmed shortly.
- Interim Reviews HUB 1 – Royal Sussex, Princess Royal, Worthing, St Richards
- Interim Reviews HUB 2 – Ashford St Peters, Royal Surrey, Conquest, Frimley, London ST3-5
- Interim Reviews HUB 3 – East Surrey, DVH, Medway, London ST6-7
- Interim Reviews HUB 4 – MTW, WHH, QEQM, OOP
- 6th November 2025 – Out of Sync IR for trainees that will be having their ARCPs in March 2025
SITM Matching:
- 16th May 2025 – SITM OSCE recruitment: Advanced Lap/ Benign Gynae/ Gynae Onc – Ashford and St Peter’s Hospiltal; 8.00-14.00
- 20th and 22nd May 2025 – SITM matching
- SITMs in Individual Units
- SIPMs Clinical Supervisors
ARCP Guidance
The RCOG training matrix can be viewed via the following link to the RCOG website .
ARCP Requirements
All required documentation/evidence, as detailed below, including online documentation and educational supervisor’s Annual Assessment Review Form must be submitted/finalised two weeks prior to the ARCP date. Anything after that date will not be assessed or included. It is recommended that you book a date with your educational supervisor in advance to avoid your consultant being on leave and being unable to complete your Review.
Please visit the RCOG website for further information and guidance on ARCPs.
To find out more about ARCPs in KSS, visit the ARCP webpage.
Evidence/documentation required:
ARCP notification letter to trainees for summer 2024 ARCPs
- Educational supervisor’s Annual Assessment Review Form;
- Records of any initial/interim meetings and appraisals you have had with your educational supervisor;
- Training evaluation form;
- Your workplace based assessment record including: mini-CEXs, CbDs and OSATS;
- Up to date logbook with sign off of the appropriate competences as detailed in the RCOG training matrix, see downloads section on this page;
- TO2 form to include a minimum of ten responses, including feedback from multidisciplinary backgrounds and consultants for each year of training (the TO2 form can only be viewed on your ePortfolio once your educational supervisor has released it to you);
- A current curriculum vitae (dated);
- Evidence of completing the RCOG Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Course;
- Evidence of passing MRCOG (part 1 for progression to ST3, part 2 and 3 for progression to ST6);
- Lists of all courses/meetings attended during the year (please use the courses section of your ePortfolio to record your attendance, uploading the attendance certificate and obtaining confirmation sign off from your educational supervisor);
- Summaries of any audit/research projects undertaken;
- Record of attendance at the mandatory minimum of four out of the six Obstetrics & Gynaecology regional teaching days – this will form part of your study leave entitlement;
- Evidence of your CCT/CESR/CESR (CP) date. Completed CCT Proforma will need to be returned to HET KSS O&G teams 4 weeks before your ARCP date;
- Details of sick, parental, carers or maternity leave taken over the year;
- Completed formative Leadership Assessment Form (a copy of which is under the ‘downloads’ section at the end of this page);
- Evidence of GMC Trainee Survey completion.
Clinical leadership
This is now recognised as an integral part of professional practice for doctors. Leadership skills and attitudes are now embedded within all specialty curricula. This can be found in Module 19 of your curriculum here.
All trainees will need to complete a Leadership Assessment of some sort which will be checked for at ARCP. The KSS School of Obstetrics & Gynaecology have agreed this can take place as a workplace-based assessment. Examples for your level of training are listed below.
Please note that as well as any teaching you have delivered, you should also record your attendance at local teaching sessions within your trust and be able to present a succinct list of these to the panel at your ARCP in September. Please use the courses section of your ePortfolio to do this, uploading the certificate of attendance and obtaining confirmation sign off from your educational supervisor.
If teaching is failing to occur, or is of inappropriate quality, trainees should approach their local college tutor and subsequently one of the training programme directors, failing unsuccessful local resolution.
Interim Review May 2023 Guidance for Trainees
ARCP Download Forms
NOTTS Gynaecological Surgery form
OOP Academic Progress Form for ARCP
IR Download Forms
ST1 Interim Review form 2023 – 2024
ST2 Interim Review form 2023-2024
ST3 Interim Review form 2023-2024
ST4 Interim Review form 2023-2024
ST5 Interim Review form 2023-2024
ST6 Interim Review form 2023-2024
ST7 Interim Review form 2023-2024
Download Forms – Various