Supported Return to Training (SRTT)

Supported Return to Training – also known as SuppoRTT or SRTT supports all trainees who are returning after time out of programme. This might include taking a year out to pursue other academic interests, maternity or parental leave and sick leave.

SRTT is managed by the London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) Professional Support Unit with local champions to support each region.

What is SRTT?

SRTT is available to all trainees taking more than three months of leave (but that is not a hard line – if you have taken a period of absence and feel the scheme would benefit you, then this will be considered).

SRTT aims to ensure that whilst off, trainees do not feel forgotten and that developmental activities can still be accessed. To be there, when you are ready to return, this is managed by the employer and education team with the trainee to ensure a safe return to work. You may want to consider Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training following a period of absence.

Upon your return to work, you may find this chart useful on what to talk about at your return to work meeting.

Find out about upcoming SRTT events on our events page.

If you are a KSS trainee and are interested in registering your interest for the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT), you will need to complete the appropriate form.

SuppoRTT resources
Return to Training resources