About EM training

Welcome to the KSS School of Emergency Medicine

The KSS School of Emergency Medicine consists of the Head of School, ACCS and Higher Training Programme Directors (TPDs) for Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS), Specialty Tutors, Educational and Clinical Supervisors, Training Managers, Administration Manager, and all of the school’s trainees.

NHS England in collaboration with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), manages the school.

 Dr Nandita Parmar, Head of EM School is responsible to the Postgraduate Dean Prof Jo Szram, on managerial matters and is professionally responsible to the RCEM. The Head is also the Chair of the ACCS and Higher Training committee and a member of the Training Standards Committee of the RCEM.

To find out more about their roles, visit the Meet the Team webpage as below.

Training in KSS

We are committed to providing a high quality of training across KSS, and also dedicated to improving recruitment to training posts and retention by making the rotations more attractive and coherent.

In 2019, we changed the configuration of both core and higher elements of the Emergency Medicine training programme to make them more geographically coherent, more attractive, and more family friendly.

Over the last 3 years, we have expanded our training numbers at higher level ( Aug 21 and Aug 23) and also host dual accreditation training posts in Paediatric EM ( PEM) at Frimley and Worthing and ICM across KSS. All higher training programmes rotate through the teaching hospital and major trauma centre experience is gained at RSCH MTC  in Brighton or at Kings, St Georges, or St Marys in London.

In addition to trust-based  local weekly teaching sessions, there are regular monthly EM school-wide regional training days.

Trainees are supervised by an Educational Supervisor and EM College Tutor who meet regularly with the Head of School, TPDs, fellow tutors, and trainee representatives for updates on the latest developments in training, to ensure that high-quality training occurs in every trust.

Flexible training with out of programme and less than full time working are also supported.

EM Curriculum 2021

From Aug 21, the new curriculum:

  • Introduced Generic Professional Capabilities
  • is structured around a limited number of ‘Specialty Learning Outcomes’ – activities that describe the work of an independent clinician in each particular discipline
  • Demonstrate stakeholder involvement in developing curricula
  • Reduce the assessment burden and avoid a ‘tick-box’ approach

There are  12 supervised learning outcomes (SLOs): eight clinical and four non-clinical related to management activities in the emergency department.

Higher EM training in KSS

This Higher Specialist training programme covers the final three years of training in Emergency Medicine (EM) ST4-ST6. KSS offers the opportunity to work across three or four different sites during that time.

All trainees will spend six to twelve months in Brighton, which is the regional teaching hospital and major trauma centre (MTC) or 6 months at Kings/St Mary’s or St Georges MTCs in London.

The Emergency Medicine training sites in KSS  offer a huge range of experience and all aspects of the EM curriculum are covered in a trainee’s rotation. Higher Specialist training programme trainees rotate at the beginning of August each year.

Where will I train

Kent: Darrent Valley/ Medway/ Tunbridge and Maidstone / William Harvey hospitals.

Surrey: Frimley Park/ St Peters/ East Surrey/ Royal Surrey County hospitals

Sussex: Eastbourne/Conquest/RSCH Brighton + PRH, St Richards and Worthing hospitals

Learning and Development

Higher Specialist Trainees in EM have to fulfil the many requirements of assessments, practical skills, and success in FCEM in order to enter the specialist register and become a consultant.

In KSS, all ST1-ST6 EM trainees will have interim reviews at six months to review progress and ensure trainees are on track and being supported. These meetings are invaluable for our trainees.


Our USS leads now deliver training days at Eastbourne, RSCH Brighton and Royal Surrey County hospitals. Please look at the events calendar for further information.

Please refer to the POCUS advice on RCEM pages: https://rcemcurriculum.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Appendix-3-PoCUS-for-2021-RCEM-curriculum.pdf

Ultrasound leads

KSS Ultrasound lead and Sussex

Evan Coughlan

KSS Deputy Ultrasound Lead and Surrey

Carolo Arrigo

KSS Deputy Ultrasound Lead and Kent

Jonathan Leung

Ultrasound log book

This document outlines the expectations for Level one sign off for ultrasound in the KSS deanery. Ultrasound is covered as a dedicated topic every 18 months at training days. This is offered as a Level one course for new trainees or to complete triggered assessments for those wishing to achieve sign off.

Ultrasound logbook [pdf, size: 2,077kb]

OOPE, Dual accreditation and Sub-speciality training

Many trainees choose to gain additional experience out of programme and are actively encouraged to pursue Out of programme experience/ training or research.

Information for EM Trainees and Trainers

The KSS School of Emergency Medicine holds regular  Educational Supervisor Day in face to face or virtual format. Please refer to the events page.

Please find the below useful sites:

1) PGMDE Support Portal

The PGMDE Support Portal is divided into two sections:

  • FAQs and query submission for trainees, trainers and trusts in the HEE London and KSS regions
  • FAQs and query submission for any applicant, panel member or referee relating to recruitment activity supported by the London and KSS Recruitment team

2) Less than full-time training

FAQs regarding less than full-time training can be viewed on the PGMDE Support Portal.

3) Out of Programme

FAQs regarding out of programme experiences can be viewed on the PGMDE Support Portal

4) Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

The SuppoRTT programme aims to support all trainees to safely and confidently return to training after a sustained period of absence. To find out more visit the SuppoRTT webpage.

5) Professional Support Unit

The Professional Support Unit (PSU) is a service primarily dedicated to supporting the progression of postgraduate medical and dental trainees through their training. To access the PSU, please visit the PSU webpage.

PSU presentation for the School of EM [PowerPoint, size: 4,581kb]

6) COVID-19 update and Wellbeing Hub via the PSU

In the Wellbeing Hub pages we have gathered information and resources to help trainees and signposted routes to get support. To access, please visit the PSU webpage.

7) Educational and clinical se-learning on eLearning for healthcare

This e-learning session sets out how Educational and Clinical Supervisors will undertake their roles for postgraduate medical trainees (PMTs) employed under the 2016 contract and aids them in meeting their requirements under the new contract. It is designed to support Educational and Clinical supervisors but is pertinent to all those involved in the management of PMTs including the PMTs themselves. This resource was developed with HEE’s e-Learning for Healthcare and the support of NHS Employers and the British Medical Association. To access the e-learning session, please visit the eLearning for Healthcare webpage.

8) RCEM promoting excellence

Promoting excellence in Emergency Medicine training document [pdf, size: 394kb]

9) Educational supervision HEE tools

Enhancing supervision for postgraduate Doctors in training report [pdf, size: 870kb]

Enhancing supervision for postgraduate Doctors in training handbook [pdf, size:1,085kb]

Standards in supervision document [pdf, size: 84kb]

Teaching and Learning

As a trainee you will be expected to attend a set number of regional training days throughout the training year in addition to local teaching at your trust.  Atleast 50% of all RTDs should be attended face to face and the other 50% virtually.

Regional training days should be booked through the School of Emergency Medicine and can be found on the KSS events calendar webpage. To attend a regional training day, you should book study leave with your trust according to their notice period, usually a minimum of six weeks. If you are unable to attend, you must give your school a valid reason for non-attendance. This may include:

  • your trust being unable to release you from service (if this recurs, please contact your school)
  • pre-booked leave (although you shouldn’t make a habit of this)
  • illness/bereavement/special leave
  • exams
  • working nights

Your attendance or non-attendance at each event will be noted and made available to the Interim review and ARCP panels. The reasons above will be taken into account by the panel, providing they are valid.

Note – trainees must book their place before attending. Trainees who do not book a place may be turned away due to capacity. Trainees who have booked but can no longer attend should aim to give their school at least 48 hours’ notice so that another trainee can attend in their place. Trainees who do not attend and fail to give a valid reason beforehand will be reported to their Training Programme Director.


As on events calendar.

Other events, courses and links:

Archived RTDs

Are available on the NHS learning hub under KSS School of EM- access via log in with NHS email address.

e-Portfolio and exams

We now use the Kaizen e portfolio and  exams information is on :RCEM.ac.uk and exam guidance on https://rcemcurriculum.co.uk/assessment/

ARCP Requirements:

The RCEM ARCP decision aides are handy to see at a glance what evidence trainees need to provide for their ARCP in each training year. 

 Please refer to these

 when preparing your EPortfolio. Please be aware that if trainees are missing any evidence, they may be awarded an unsatisfactory outcome at ARCP.

  • Multi-source Feedback (MSF): Your MSF summary should be released to you and discussed with you before your ARCP. There should be a minimum of 12 responses with three/four of these being consultant responses (two MSFs per year per specialty post).
  • Enhanced Form R: You are required to submit your completed Enhanced Form R Part B at each ARCP. This is not required for Interim Reviews.
  • Aim for 1-2 events a week of which one should be USS and 3 ESLEs from ST3 onwards.
  • Faculty government statement – multi-consultant feedback from Local Faculty Group meeting. At least one required per year.

ARCP (Higher trainees):

The ARCP process is mandatory and must be undertaken at least once a year. The panel will be unable to review progress if trainees do not have your EPortfolio record up to date or fail to submit the relevant paperwork. This could result in trainees being prevented from progressing to the next stage of their training.

Interim Review (for all ST1-ST6 trainees):

The interim review is a face-to-face meeting to review all the evidence in trainees EPortfolio part way through their training year. This ensures trainees are on track for attaining a satisfactory ARCP outcome in the summer. It also allows trainees the time to discuss your training and experience with consultants who are not assigned as your Educational Supervisor.


Welcome to the page where you can find out about simulation within the KSS School of Emergency Medicine.

Simulation dates

We will be publishing dates and information about simulation days for core and higher trainees, as well as information about simulation faculty across the region; we will also publish information on resources including scenarios which can be used for training and information about relevant external simulation events for trainees.

The KSS Apprentice programme  and faculty development delivered by Dr Matt Staniforth is a success and continues as well as Sim days across KSS. Please refer to the Events calendar for further information

EM leadership and QI

EM leadership events incorporating QI run alongside RTDs and as part of RTDs. Please refer to the Events Calendar for upcoming days.

Please refer to the RCEM EM Leaders framework for one’s leadership development: https://rcem.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/EMLeaders_Framework_vs.3_100521.pdf

Simulation leads

If you have any questions or queries regarding simulation days, you can contact the local simulation leads via their details below:


Nick Bagley


Helen Collyer-Merritt


Matthew Staniforth