ARCP and revalidation

Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP)

The Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process is conducted in accordance with the current version of The Gold Guide.

ARCP panels should take place each time a doctor in training reaches the end of their training grade and also annually. Some trainees may need to have more than one ARCP in a calendar year i.e. if a trainee is less than full time (LTFT) or have had statutory leave.

The ARCP is a summative formal process to review submitted evidence (usually on the ePortfolio) to assess progression or completion of training. It also clarifies any need for directed training or an extension to training, and is the process used to assure the Responsible Officer and employer that the doctor is up to date and fit to practise.

During an ARCP, the panel will review the evidence submitted and an outcome is decided following a discussion amongst the panel. All ARCP’s are held in absentia, trainees may be invited to an ARCP feedback meeting, and should attend if requested. If there are specific targets for training or the need for additional training, these expectations will be clearly documented. The doctor in training should meet with their Educational Supervisor to ensure these are embedded in the subsequent learning agreement. 

Any queries regarding ARCP Panels should be sent to the KSS GP Deanery Team at


Revalidation is the method which the General Medical Council (GMC) monitor doctors to ensure they are up to date with evolving medical care and are fit to practise.

Doctors in training should be aware that we are required to make revalidation recommendations at two points:  

  1. five years after a doctor in training has been awarded full registration with a licence to practice 
  2. when a doctor in training becomes eligible to apply for their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). 

Revalidation recommendations are processed using online systems and confirms to the GMC that the Responsible Officer is satisfied that the trainee has engaged with revalidation requirements.

NHSE Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) is committed to enabling its doctors in postgraduate training to revalidate by providing current and accurate information and support.

Further information can be found on the General Medical Council (GMC) website and in the latest edition of the Gold Guide.

Enhanced Form R

All doctors in training are required to complete the Form R documentation for ARCP and revalidation purposes and the GP School is required to have this available in advance of the scheduled ARCP date. The Form R must be attached to the Learning Log in the trainees e-Portfolio.

The Form R must be completed fully and accurately by all doctors in training to ensure that the individual re-affirms their commitment to training and thereby remains registered for their training programme.
