The following Locality Training Hubs operate across Kent, Surrey, Sussex (KSS) within the respective Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships (STP) and Integrated Care System (ICS) level Training Hubs.
The locality hubs work collaboratively at STP level to reduce duplication and enable system level discussion for the described population.
Contacting your local team
Below are the contact email addresses and websites for the Locality Training Hub teams, please use these for area specific queries.
Kent & Medway ICS Training Hub
Generic email address: Kent & Medway Training Hub
Website: Kent & Medway Training Hub
Surrey Heartlands ICS Training Hub
Generic email address: Surrey Training Hub
Website: Surrey Training Hub
Sussex ICS Training Hub
Website: Sussex Training Hub
Generic email for Sussex Training Hub
If you aren’t sure which Training Hub you sit within please review the map below:

To learn more about the teams working in each ICS and Locality level Training Hub please visit our Primary Care team page.