South East Region Delivery Plan

South East Region Delivery Plan

The South East (SE) Region Delivery Plan sets out how we will work with our colleagues and partners over the year to plan, recruit, educate and train our current and future healthcare workforce.

We aim to align our delivery commitments with the NHSE Business Plan, NHS People Plan, and NHS Long Term Plan to ensure that across the region there are the right numbers of staff, with skills, values, and behaviours, available at the right time and in the right place.

This plan shares some of the work we are committed to delivering throughout the year, and we will share our progress. Alongside the regional plan, we have developed a delivery plan for each of our integrated care systems (ICS).

If you have any general comments or queries about the plan our progress can be directed to

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West 2022/23

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Frimley Health and Care

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Kent and Medway

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Surrey Heartlands

Delivery Plan for Integrated Care Systems: Sussex Health and Care