National GP Retention Scheme

The National GP Retention Scheme is a package of financial and educational support to help eligible doctors, who might otherwise leave the profession, remain in clinical general practice.

The scheme supports both the retained GP (RGP) and the practice employing them by offering financial support in recognition of the fact that this role is different to a ‘regular’ part time, salaried GP post, offering greater flexibility and educational support. RGPs may be on the scheme for a maximum of five years with an annual review each year to ensure that the RGP remains in need of the scheme and that the practice is meeting its obligations.

Applying for the Scheme

We encourage applicants and their employers to read the Scheme Guidance  before contacting us. Applicants can arrange a call with the GP Retention Scheme Lead for their region to confirm their eligibility, before starting their application form.

We welcome applications to be sent by email to the KSS GP School inbox.

All other queries

Please contact the KSS GP School inbox to submit annual reviews, notify us of a change to your circumstances, or to ask any questions related to the Scheme.


GP Retention Scheme guidance and resources

National GP Retention Scheme guidance

Contractual advice

British Medical Association

Other useful websites



KSS GP school inbox, Kent Surrey and Sussex CPD Team