Practice Manager resources

The KSS GP School recognises the important role that Practice Managers have in the training practice in supporting supervisors and learners in Primary Care.

Clinical Learning Environments

Practices are required to be part of approved Clinical Learning Environments to host doctors in postgraduate GP training. More information about this can be found on our Clinical Learning Environments webpage.

Trainer Grants

If you are a Training Practice hosting GP Specialty Trainees 1-3 or Foundation Year 2 trainees, you are eligible to claim a Trainer Grant for each Trainee in the practice. You will receive correspondence about this at the start of each claim period from the GP School team.

Trainer Grants payments are now processed monthly through Primary Care Support England (PCSE). Please ensure any changes to practice bank details are updated directly with PCSE.

Trainee overlap process

Please note that there has been a change to the overlap process. ​
You now no longer need to complete an overlap form if a Trainer has more than one trainee for 4 months or less. ​

An overlap form should be completed and submitted to your PAD for approval if:​

  • Any overlap is longer than 4 months; or​
  • A trainer has an overlap of 3 trainees or more for any period ​

If there are any overlaps for more than 6 months, they all need to be approved first by the Head of GP School.​

Approval for all overlaps must be obtained before we can submit your claim for payment, so please make sure you attach the approved overlap form with your claim form.


For any queries regarding claims please email