Medical Indemnity

We are delighted to announce that we have secured block medical indemnity provision for all our trainees, from the Medical Protection Society (MPS), an experienced and established provider. This is a necessary addition to the standard NHS indemnity provided for all NHS employees. This means Kent, Surrey and Sussex GP trainees will benefit from the provision of full medical defence, for their whole three-year training programme at no additional cost. Emails will be sent to all GP trainees to join the MPS at the start of their training and receive instruction at GP induction with regards to the process for joining the MPS to benefit from this scheme.

Trainees will, of course, have the option of arranging cover for themselves if they would prefer, however, we would encourage any trainees who would like us to arrange their cover from their start date, not to renew their cover beyond the end of the month before the month you commence training.

Arrangements previously held with HEE working across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) with the Medical Defence Union (MDU) will cease from 3rd August 2021.

Below are relevant FAQs supplied by MPS

MPS HEE FAQs 6th July 2021

MPS HEE FAQs 19th July 2021
