The February application window for Inter Deanery Transfer has now closed. The next application window will open in August 2025. Further information on how to apply is available on the Medical Recruitment Training Webpage.
The National lnter Deanery Transfer (IDT) application windows open in February and August.
The timeline for the current window of National Inter Deanery Transfer (IDT) is available on the Medical Recruitment Training Webpage.
The national process has been established by the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD), NHS England (NHSE), Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency, NHS Education for Scotland, Health Education and Improvement Wales and the British Medical Association (BMA) in order to provide a consistent, robust and transparent process for allowing postgraduate doctors in training to transfer around the UK. This centralised transfer process aims to provide doctors in training and regional colleagues with a consistent, transparent and robust service. For this reason, it will not be possible to depart from or be flexible with the published processes, timelines and criteria.
The National lDT team cannot accept any applications or facilitate any transfers outside of the process or nationally agreed timelines. There are no exceptional circumstances where the National IDT team will accept any late applications or facilitate a transfer outside of the nationally agreed process.
Trainees can subscribe to the National IDT e-newsletter for announcements regarding when the next window will open.