Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP)

Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP) have been developed to support specific areas of the UK that have historically found it difficult to attract and retain doctors through the foundation and specialty recruitment processes. The main aim is to maximise the opportunity for applicants who wish to be located in less popular areas and therefore improve supply for specialty training and beyond and sometimes offer a range of incentives.

As part of this process, applicants will have the opportunity to rank individual priority programmes that have been determined by a specific location as part of the application form and prior to national allocation to FP. Successful applicants will be offered specific programmes prior to national allocation to foundation schools.

All applicants must apply for the two-year Foundation programme through the national FP vacancy on Oriel.

For the Foundation Priority Programmes Recruitment Timeline Please refer to the UKFPO website.

Please refer to the national UKFPO published guidance on the UKFPO website for more detailed information.

Please contact for further information.