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Read our latest posts:

Simulation training delivered to support critical care transfers

This month a multi-professional team of educators, supported by HEE SE worked together to deliver a simulation-based learning event for […]

HEE South East stakeholder newsletter – May 2021

In this issue we will be: Providing you with COVID-19 and South East staffing updates  Sharing our recent vacancies and learning development […]

HEE visit to Brighton and Sussex Medical School

The Chair of HEE, Sir David Behan along with senior colleagues visited Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) on 18 March.  […]

HEE South East stakeholder newsletter – February 2021

In this issue we will be: Providing you with COVID-19 and South East staffing updates  Sharing our recent vacancies and learning development […]

Reducing Pre-registration Attrition and Improving Retention (RePAIR) fellows update

At the beginning of December, the south east welcomed three new RePAIR fellows on a 12-month secondment. The RePAIR fellows […]

HEE South East stakeholder newsletter – January 2021

In this issue we will be: Providing you with South East staffing updates  Giving you profession-specific education and training information Encouraging […]

South East Nursing Associates in Primary Care webinar

We are delivering a South East Nursing Associates in Primary Care webinar on Friday 15 January 2021, 10:00-11:30 via MS […]

Join the new South East First Contact Practitioner Forum and launch webinar

Health Education England are working in partnership with First Contact Practitioners to create a new forum for First Contact Practitioners […]

Head of School of Surgery for KSS

We are delighted to confirm that Miss Ginny Bowbrick (pictured right) has been appointed as the Head of School of Surgery for KSS […]

Practise Hope – supporting mental health in Primary Care

A bold, inventive primary care pilot to improve how 10 – 25-year olds are helped by their local surgeries when […]

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