About Quality

Mission and ambitions

The KSS Quality team’s work is underpinned by its mission statement and strategic ambitions:

“We are committed to supporting the implementation of education standards in clinical learning environments as defined in the HEE Quality Framework. Learners have a right to expect safe, good quality education from their clinical placements.”

Strategic ambitions:

  1. To provide evidence-based quality management processes that enable transformation and sharing of best practice.
  2. To contribute to wider quality management systems enabling sharing of intelligence to promote learning opportunities.

Quality improvement

The KSS Quality team monitor and analyse intelligence received from a range of sources regarding the quality of clinical learning environments for healthcare learners.

Where concerns are identified, these are risk assessed using the HEE Intensive Support Framework. If the concern identified reaches a risk threshold, an appropriate intervention will be agreed, in conjunction with the Postgraduate Dean, Associate and County Deans, and Heads of Schools.

The KSS Quality team report quality issues through the HEE South East regional structure.

For more information about the HEE Quality Framework, Quality Standards, and Intensive Support Framework, please visit the national HEE website here.

Annual report and business plan