Curricula and Programme Requirements


The curriculum is integral to the e-portfolio and all the assessment requirements are mapped against it. All competencies must be supported by evidence. Each competency must be signed off by the trainee’s educational supervisor (and likely to be the clinical supervisor with the new ePortfolio) and must be supported by all evidence of learning. This will ensure the trainee’s ePortfolio is packed full of evidence and reflects their clinical and other activities.

It is essential that medical trainees and trainers understand these curricula as their whole programme is based on it.

Please click the links below for the curricula and assessment requirements for our medical training programmes:

Programme Requirements

During the years that trainees are in medical training they will need to conduct Workplace-based Assessments (WPBA), both in General Internal Medicine (GIM) and their sub-specialty (listed below). Similarly, they should be involved in GIM audit and attend GIM regional training days.

Register with the Joint Royal College of Physicians Board (JRCPTB)

It is a mandatory requirement for all trainees to be registered with the appropriate Royal College, therefore all trainees must be registered with the JRCPTB.  If you are not registered, HEE KSS will not be able to complete your Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP).

How to enrol:

In order to register on the JRCPTB website you will require the following codes:

  • HEE KSS sub-specialty GMC training approval code, for example AIM – KSS2224 (see comprehensive list of GMC training approval codes in downloads section)
  • Your personal National Training Number
  • To register for an account, trainees are required to follow the links on the JRCPTB website
  • e-portfolio login

Meet with your educational & clinical supervisors

You will be allocated an educational supervisor (ES) either for the whole of your rotation or for each clinical placement. The ES has an overview of your training and is responsible for your educational planning and career development.

It is your responsibility to arrange regular meetings with your ES to ensure your ePortfolio is reviewed.  It is recommended that the ES should spend the equivalent of 1 hour per week per trainee to allow time for educational support through appraisal, assessment, teaching or support. As you rotate through each post you will also be supervised clinically by an allocated clinical supervisor who is responsible for your on-the-job, day-to-day clinical work. Please understand that completion of your required appraisals, assessments and ePortfolio record is your responsibility.

Appraisal: This is a formative process to enable trainees to develop; a system of cyclical reviews setting personal objectives and evaluating progress against them. The value of this is primarily for the trainee.

Assessment: This is a summative process evaluating performance against predetermined criteria; the value of this is both for the trainee and for regulation.

Please ensure you regularly and frequently update your ePortfolio, complete your assessments, and arrange appointments with your ES in a timely fashion. The more high quality evidence you have in your ePortfolio, the more likely the time spent with your ES will be productive in terms of addressing your PDP and educational planning.

Your ES will seek feedback on performance from clinical supervisors.

During the years you are training in General Internal Medicine, as well as your sub-specialty, you will need to conduct WPBAs, both in GIM and your sub-specialty.  Similarly, you should be involved in GIM audit and attend GIM regional training days.

If you have difficulty identifying or meeting with your educational supervisor you should approach your college tutor or training programme director.

Review the ARCP Decision Aid

The JRCPTB have produced a Medical ARCP Decision Aid for each sub-specialty and GIM which gives advice on the number of assessments required at each stage of your dual accredited sub-specialty and GIM training respectively. This along with more detailed guidance on the ARCP process can be found on the Annual Review of Competence Progression page.

Complete Workplace Based Assessments (WBA’s)

All trainees are required to undertake regular workplace-based assessments which illustrate their learning throughout the course of their training. These WBAs are reviewed against both the medical sub-specialty and the GIM Decision Aid at each ARCP in order to recognise the progress of each trainee. Further information can be found on the JRCPTB website.