Trust Contact Details
Darent Valley Hospital Darenth Wood Road, Dartford, Kent, DA2 8DA
Trust switchboard:
01322 428100
Trust website:
Foundation Training Programme Directors
Dr Mathias Toth, F1
Dr Prasanna Aghoram, F1
Dr Shahinul Khan, F2
Dr Sophie Lam, F2
Director of Postgraduate Medical Education
Dr Cathy Ellis
Medical Education Manager
Helen Addison
Deputy Medical Education Manager
Emma White
Foundation Training Education Officer
Tracy Belcher –
Medical Education Officer
Emily Coinon –
Postgraduate Centre
The Philip Farrant Education Centre is a multidisciplinary Education Centre, which has a number of well-furnished and equipped training rooms. The Clinical Education Department is located in the Centre and has an open-door policy. The department works with College Tutors and Specialty Leads to ensure training provided meets the educational standards prescribed by the UK Foundation Programme, Royal College and Faculties, GMC, and Health Education England. The team will ensure all doctors in training always receive a warm welcome and the support required.
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has a purpose designed Simulation Suite that can be adapted to simulate a variety of environments from a ward to a surgical theatre. All teaching rooms in the Centre can be used for debriefing with broadcasting of the simulations via the SMOT’s video system.
There is also a dedicated Clinical Skills Lab that allows students and doctors to practice clinical skills using one of the part task trainer manikins that are available.
In addition to the protected teaching sessions for each training programme, foundation doctors may book to attend a number of courses including Respiratory Training Series, Ultrasound Guided Cannulation, ALS, and ILS. For a more extensive list please contact the Education Centre. There are also opportunities for the foundation doctors to join the Foundation Teaching, Simulation and Leadership Faculties and work closely with the leads and participate in projects and training.
The accommodation provided is modern, comfortable, and located within the hospital grounds. Rooms are available for staff at a reasonable rate and may be booked from one night to the length of the placement at the Trust. The single rooms or apartments will suit staff looking for cost effective, well managed and close to the workplace accommodation.

Library facilities
The professional library is based adjacent to the Philip Farrant Education Centre and is accessible 24 hours a day. We also have a Clinical Librarian who attends ward rounds and meetings within the departments. They collect evidence to help with patient care and assists in Research and Journals Clubs.
Services include:
- Overall rating of ‘Good’ from CQC in 2019
- Investors in People Award
- HSJ 100 Award
- Excellent healthcare ratings
- CHKS Top 40 Hospitals Award
- Top quartile performer in staff survey
IT facilities
The IT and AV facilities within the Trust are modern and allow foundation doctors to access all appropriate sites for their training. PCs are available on all wards for educational use and there are a number of PCs within the library. e-Handover is used for handover and Medicus is used for in-patient tracking in Medicine and additional apps are being developed.
Other facilities
Staff wellbeing is of utmost importance to DGT. The Trust has a dedicated Wellbeing Team that focusses on ensuring we care for your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
DGT has its own in-house Time to Talk team that are available 7 days a week for staff wishing to chat through any concerns or issues with regard their mental health and wellbeing. Beyond this our Occupational Health team and external partners can also support staff.
We offer complimentary therapies (reflexology, reiki, massage etc.), walking and running clubs and free drinks and snacks, table tennis in our Wellbeing Areas.
Within the hospital, staff also have access to an on-site gym with a personal fitness adviser, healthy eating and the award-winning Occupational Health Lifestyle Programme and Reset Health Programme. We also have a full Hospital Chaplaincy Service that embraces inclusion and diversity.
Parking arrangements
On-site parking permits may be applied for.
Local Area
Social activities
Within the Trust there are a number of activities including the Summer Ball, Summer/Christmas Fetes, Football and Cricket Team.
Doctors’ mess
The Doctors’ Mess is situated near to the Education Centre, and Hospital restaurant. The comfortable sofas, kitchenette area, TV and PC make it a great area to relax between shifts. The subscription fee is just £10 per month, which is deducted from your salary, and this funds not only the mess amenities, which include tea, coffee and seemingly unlimited snacks – not forgetting Pizza – but also activities arranged by the Mess Presidents such as special meals, and many evenings out.

Transport links
Dartford has excellent transport links to London and the South Kent Coast. If you are living in London you could do the whole journey via TFL, making the commute so straight forward.
Dartford is currently served by several main train stations:
Dartford and Greenhithe Train Stations run services to all London main line stations, with the journey time taking between 30 – 40 minutes.
The North Kent Line also runs to the Medway towns and the Kent coast. There is a Fastrack bus service from the hospital to the station, which only takes 10 minutes.
Ebbsfleet International Station runs Eurostar services to Paris and Brussels and high-speed services to London St Pancras, Faversham, Margate and Dover.
The Fastrack bus service again links Ebbsfleet to Darent Valley Hospital.
For the motorist, Dartford is linked to London via the A2. The A2 links Dartford to the Kent Coast via the M2 motorway, which leads to Canterbury, and Dover.
Access to the M25 London Orbital Motorway is just 5 minutes away and the Dartford Tunnel / Queen Elizabeth II bridge gains access to Essex and the north M25 for travel to the North via the M1 and M11. The southern section of the M25 gives access to the M20 to Maidstone, Folkestone and Dover, the M23 to Gatwick Airport and Brighton, the A3 to Guildford and Portsmouth, and the M3 to Southampton.
Local amenities/attractions
Dartford has a range of attractions some of which are very close to the hospital, such as:
Bluewater, one of the largest shopping centres in Europe is a few minutes from the hospital and provides over 300 stores, 50 cafes, bars and restaurants plus a Showcase cinema, boating lake, Gravity Trampoline Park and mini golf.
David Lloyd Gym, with an extensive range of state of the art facilities, including a swimming pool and racket sports facilities.
Other attractions nearby include the Orchard Theatre, spa facilities, National Trust property, woodland walks and nature trails, museums, motor racing venue (Brands Hatch), golf courses, night clubs and bars. Kent’s beautiful coast is also just a short drive away.
Foundation Specific
Induction/shadowing arrangements
Foundation Year One Doctors commence in post a few days prior to the August ‘change-over’ date. Sessions are timetabled to allow incoming F1 doctors to work alongside the F1 from whom they will be taking over and gain an insight into the role and responsibilities of a foundation doctor. The programme for the week includes Trust induction, which focuses on the needs of the F1 doctor, Asked to See Patient’ Workshop, and other mandatory topics. F1s have the opportunity to meet the Foundation Leads, Director of Medical Education and the Medical Education Team. This programme is subject to change based on the F1 feedback. All incoming F1 doctors receive the full rate of pay for this period. If incoming F2 doctors wish to complete a shadowing placement this can also be arranged through the Medical Education Department.
F1 and F2 doctors may apply for “taster” periods in other specialties provided they have support from their Educational Supervisor and the Foundation Faculty Board. Tasters are a good opportunity to try specialties that are not included in their rotations. F1 doctors can ‘borrow’ 5 days’ study leave from their F2 year to undertake tasters.
Foundation doctors are offered two full day sessions spread over their three rotations. The sessions cover the understanding of human factors in clinical practice, looking at physical human factor issues as well as non-technical skills. This is delivered in the context of clinical conditions in adults and paediatrics over the two sessions.
In addition, there are multiple In Situ simulation training sessions that allow for integrated experiences with other clinicians mimicking real life and allowing for the identification of latent threats in clinical practice and to help improve patient safety.

Foundation Doctor Forums
Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust encourages all doctors in training to contribute to and participate in the delivery of medical education. To ensure that communication channels are in place, each cohort of foundation doctors are formally represented by two Doctors elected representatives and all foundation doctors are welcome at the Foundation Faculty Group Meetings where training is discussed, and decisions made. In additional we hold Foundation Doctors’ Forum monthly.
Educational and Clinical supervision
Every Doctor in Training is assigned an Educational Supervisor (ES) who will act as Supervisor and Mentor for the length of your programme at DGT. The ES will provide regular feedback and advice to ensure the necessary clinical and educational progress is made throughout the Foundation year. In addition to the above, each Doctor in Training will be assigned a Clinical Supervisor (CS) for each placement. The CS is responsible for day-to-day clinical progress and advice relating to the particular specialty.
The ES and CS communicate to ensure you are progressing satisfactorily and information is fed into the Foundation Faculty Group Meetings, which are chaired by the Foundation Leads.
Teaching programme
Formal protected teaching, specifically for Foundation, is delivered at set times. Each Specialty also provides regular weekly lunchtime meetings and monthly half day training/teaching programmes, which foundation doctors are expected to contribute to by either presenting cases or audits. Specific gaps in a doctor’s skills such as insertion of chest drains and lumbar punctures can also be addressed by attending the Trust’s Acute Medical Unit or ITU where these procedures are regularly performed. During the Foundation Programme year, the doctor is expected to enrol in the SCRIPT e-learning programme and complete a set number of modules. Further details on SCRIPT can be found on the Foundation School website. F1 and F2 Doctors have the opportunity to receive ALS training within the Trust, if required. The Trust is also supportive of F2 Doctors taking study leave to further their careers and develop a wider knowledge base. The Trust’s library, besides having a good stock of journals and textbooks, offers regular courses in critical appraisal and literature search, and PCs for internet access. The Trust is also committed to research and, for those foundation doctors who wish to participate, our Research and Development Committee and its manager would be happy to advise.
Any additional information
F1 and F2s are nominated each year for the Foundation School awards scheme which offers merits in teaching, audit, portfolio and leadership. In addition, DGT offers a number of local awards for outstanding achievements in areas such as Teaching and Foundation Doctor of the Year.
The Trust is fully committed to the training and development of its entire staff and has strong links with King’s College London Medical School, the Universities of Greenwich and Canterbury, the new Kent and Medway Medical School and the Foundation School. It takes medical students from the GKT/KCL/KMMS campus and Nurse students from Greenwich University, offering foundation doctors teaching opportunities.
Trust Information
Accolades/achievements of the Trust
- Overall rating of ‘Good’ from CQC in 2019
- Investors in People Award
- HSJ 100 Award
- Excellent healthcare ratings
- CHKS Top 40 Hospitals Award
- Top quartile performer in staff survey
Trust Values
The Trust is incredibly proud that as an organisation we are known for delivering safe, high quality care, and for being a friendly and welcoming organisation for both patients and staff. The values and behaviours that we display at work are critical to whatever we do. Delivering care with compassion is every bit as important as providing technical excellence. Often it is the kindness, respect and dignity that is remembered long after the treatment has finished. By working together as part of a team our successes can inspire others to strive to excel. By maintaining our reputation for professional standards and safe, high quality care, we can instil confidence in our community.
Any additional information
For further information on Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust please visit: