September 2023

We hope that all our F1 and F2 doctors are settling into their new posts well. Please see below for KSS September bulletin. 

New Updates

KSS Contact details updated

Following the merger of HEE and NHS England, our contact email address have changed. Please see new emails below (emails sent previously to former email address will automatically be forwarded on) 

For Foundation Year 1 queries please email: 

For Foundation Year 2 queries please email: 

For Foundation Recruitment queries please email: 

For any other queries please email: 


2023/2024 PSA Dates 

For 2023/24 sittings, all trainees who have not sat and passed the exam at Medical School will sit the exam in person, with in person invigilation. 

Please note the dates for all PSA sittings (all held at 1pm): 

12th September 2023 

12th March 2024 

23rd April 2024 


**Highly Important** Provisionally registered doctors (foundation year one/F1) must not undertake formal locum posts or activities. 

Provisionally registered doctors can undertake occasional ad hoc additional/overtime shifts on their current FY1 placement or previous FY1 placements that have formed part of their F1 rotation, where such work is undertaken only within the limits of their current competence and with the support of their educational supervisor. When undertaking such occasional ad hoc additional/overtime work provisionally registered doctors should be clear with other members of their team about their current experience and level of competence. 

How to request discretionary study leave  

Please see below the steps of how Foundation Doctors can apply for Discretionary Study Leave.  

  1. Foundation Doctor (FD) seeks support from Educational Supervisor and trust (local) Foundation Training Programme Director (FTPD). 
  1. Local FTPD seeks approval from the area Foundation School Director (FSD) 
  1. Local FSD replies to trust TPD, including study leave team.  
  1. Local TPD can then reply to FD with outcome.  
  1. If approved, on the guidance from the study leave team FD completes study leave form on the study leave portal.  

We are not able to reply to direct emails about Study Leave, but if you have any questions please do contact the school on:  

Courses, Events and Research

Burnout workshops from the PSU 

A series of three new half day, virtual PSU workshops for trainees interested in learning about burnout and how to prevent it.  

The strategies covered will focus on Cognitive Behavioural approaches to preventing burnout. You can attend all three workshops or any one as a standalone. Spaces are limited. 

Workshop 1 – Understanding burnout and how to avoid it - (Thursday 19th October 9:00-12:30 ) 

Workshop 2 – The Role of Negative thinking and Emotions in Burnout – (Friday 10th November 9:00-12:30) 

Workshop 3 – Understanding Perfectionism and Burnout - (Thursday 30th November 9:00-12:30) 

Registration for each is via the PSU website:‘ 

Interest in Global Health
Are you a foundation trainee interested in Global Health? #getprimed for your future career in #globalhealth at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) with our online short course for doctors.  
Learn about epidemiology, parasites, public health initiatives and hot topics in global health alongside a diverse cohort of peers from around the world. The course is part-time, fully online, and delivered over eight-weeks in January and February 2024. It has been designed to allow you to continue working full-time while studying.  
For more information, click the link below. Applications are open now, and close October 2nd.
If you have any questions, please contact

Interest in Public Health
The KSS School of Public Health (PH) is holding their annual recruitment evening in September for anyone who is interested in applying for PH training in Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS). This will be held via MS Teams on 20th September 6-7.30PM.
In addition to this, we are holding an event for people who are interested in applying for the training scheme in KSS and are from Black or Asian backgrounds as part of our ongoing efforts to create a workforce that reflects the diverse communities we serve. This event will be held on MS Teams on 26th September 6-7.30PM.

If you have any queries, please email should email, with the subject line FAO Claire Elwick- KSS Public Health recruitment event.  

Reminders and Guidance

F2 Responsible Officer Details

F2’s are responsible to ensure they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer, for Drs in training, this is your Post Graduate Dean. For more information please see: 

TIS Checks

Please can we use this opportunity to remind Medical Education colleagues in Trusts to work with their Medical Staffing teams to regularly check Foundation Doctors’ posts on TIS, against internal records. Early recognition of any discrepancies can help us all to resolve issues quickly.  

Also, if you have not already informed us of any F1s that have withdrawn from training, please do so, as we aren’t always made aware by trainees themselves. 

VISA Delays

Foundation doctors can have their visa application decisions delayed (it usually takes about 3 weeks, but currently can take up to 6 weeks or longer). This means that some IMGs may have to delay starting in their posts. 

Please could we ask Trusts to inform us of any known Foundation doctors with visa delays, so that we can put the necessary steps in place to manage their delayed start to Foundation training, appropriately. 

F2 – Higher training

For those in F2 wanting to move straight into higher training, the application windows for specialty training will soon be open and details of person specifications for application can be found on the specialty training webpage. 

Foundation Doctors taking Parental Leave

Please can all foundation doctors who will be taking a period of Parental Leave, ensure that they email the appropriate Foundation inbox. 

Please also see the NHS employers Maternity guidance using the link below: 

NHS Employers Maternity Guidance (rotational doctors and dentists) 

Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training for London and KSS

Please click the link below for guidance regarding Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training. 

Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services 

Please see below link for guidance regarding Foundation doctors in community placements contributing to acute services:

NHS employers’ guidance on induction for international medical graduates  

Please find below link to guidance from NHS employers

Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities 

Please use the following link to the updated ‘Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities within the Local Education Provider and Minimum Requirements for Clinical Supervision of Foundation Doctors’ document

F1 Induction Questionnaire

The Severn Foundation School is coordinating a project for participation by all F1s. You are invited to complete an F1 trainee induction programme questionnaire. This survey is part of a long term project to identify any concerns/anxieties you may have about starting your F1 post. The information you provide will help to develop a realistic evaluation of the induction programme and help us to improve working life for future trainees.  

To access the survey please log onto 

If possible, please complete the survey in one sitting since you will not be able to access it later. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated. 

A follow up survey will be sent to you in October 2023 to gauge how you are feeling as you gain further clinical exposure. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. 

Dr J Clare M van Hamel, Severn Foundation School Director – Associate Postgraduate Dean 

UKFPO Bulletin 

To read the latest UKFPO Bulletin access the link: UKFPO Bulletin – UK Foundation Programme