ARCPs and Interim Reviews


The ARCP process is conducted in accordance with the current version of The Gold Guide and  takes place when a panel reviews the evidence of a trainee and an outcome is decided following a discussion amongst panel members. The panel may include the Training Programme Director (TPD), Head of School (HoS), other members of the relevant training committee, the Specialty Programme Manager and Coordinator, and may include an external lay adviser.

A meeting between the panel and the trainee often takes place after the ARCP to deliver the awarded outcome, but this does not form part of the ARCP decision-making process. This is why there is a large emphasis on ensuring that all evidence is submitted and available for the panel members to review.

To find out more about ARCPs in KSS, visit the ARCP webpage.

Requirements and guidance

All documents requiring signatures, apart from your Form R, must be signed – a typed name will not suffice. Please inform the rota coordinator at your trust of the date as soon as possible, if you are required to attend.

Please ensure that you have submitted the following evidence in accordance with the deadline specified in your ARCP invitation email:

Enhanced form R parts A and B

Once you have completed your Form R please follow the instructions in your ARCP notification email carefully to ensure your Form R is made available to the ARCP panel and the Revalidation Team. Please note, if a completed Form R is not available for the panel to review this will result in an outcome five and you will be contacted by the Postgraduate Dean. If you then fail to submit your Form R within the deadline given, you will receive an outcome two, three or four as appropriate (according to training progression) – see this link to COPMeD guidance.

Educational Supervisor’s report

This should cover you for every day of the posts you have held since your last report was submitted. This may mean that you require more than one report.

You will need to provide up to date evidence of your activities since your last review – e.g. WPBAs, reflections, audit, logbook, certificates, curriculum sign-off, etc.

Reflection on work outside of training form

If applicable, this is only for work that you are undertaking outside of training (not additional locum shifts) in your current Trust under your training specialty. Contact your TPD for further information.

You should provide reflective practice for any significant events in which you have been involved, if applicable. Remember that when submitting additional evidence in respect of significant events, complaints or compliments, patient-identifiable information must not be included.

Please be aware: Your Trust will be asked to make a report on all doctors they employ. If you have been involved in any significant events which have gone through Trust processes you may receive formal notification from them. This information will not necessarily impact the view taken on your entire evidence for revalidation. Concerns should be discussed directly with your Educational Supervisor/College Tutor.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary documents are submitted by the deadline set. The panel will be reviewing your evidence before they see you, so you cannot bring it with you on the day. If the evidence is not submitted by the deadline, it is possible that you will receive an unsatisfactory ARCP outcome, which may delay your progress to the next year of your training and lead to deferment of your CCT. The ARCP process is mandatory and must be undertaken at least once a year. The panel will be unable to review your progress if you do not have your ePortfolio record up to date, or fail to submit the relevant paperwork. This could result in you being prevented from progressing to the next stage of your training.

Trainees in ACCS will have their ARCP with their parent specialty grouping.

ST2/CT2 Trainees – All trainees from August 2021 do 6 months of Anaesthetics and 6 months of ICM .

Intermediate Training ARCP 2022-2023: Requirement Guide

How do ARCPs work?

ARCPs should take place for each time a trainee reaches the end of their training grade, and also annually. For many trainees this criteria is met at the specialties’ annual ARCPs. Each trainee has an individual timeline that is used to ensure that they have an ARCP at the required time.

NB: Please be aware that you may need to attend more than one ARCP in a calendar year.

The ARCP is a summative formal process to review submitted evidence (usually on the ePortfolio) to determine if training has been completed and progression into next stage of training can occur. It also clarifies any need for directed training or an extension to training, and is the process to assure the Responsible Officer (RO) and employer that the trainee is up to date and fit to practice.

A panel meeting reviews evidence and results in a non-negotiable outcome and determines the next steps for the trainee. Outcomes will be fed back to the trainee. If there are specific targets for training or the need for additional training, these expectations will be clearly documented, agreed with the trainee and embedded in the subsequent learning agreement.

ARCP Outcome definitions:     

1        Achieving progress and competencies at the expected rate.

2        Development of specific competencies required – additional training time not required.

3        Inadequate progress by the trainee – additional training time required.

4        Released from training programme with or without specified competencies.

5        Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required.

6        Gained all required competencies.

7        Outcomes for FTSTA & LATs

7.1      Satisfactory progress in or completion of the LAT/FTSTA placement.

7.2      Development of specific competencies required – additional training time not required LAT/FTSTA placement.

7.3      Inadequate progress by the trainee – LAT/FTSTA. This period of training not recognised placement.

7.4      Incomplete evidence presented – LAT/FTSTA placement.

8        Out of programme experience for approved clinical experience, research or career break.

Interim reviews

The interim review is a face to face meeting half way through the training year, for reviewing and discussing evidence of progress and planning how to prepare for the ARCP.  ePortfolios will be reviewed against the ARCP decision, taking into account what stage the trainee is at in their training.