Teaching and Learning

As a trainee you will be expected to attend a set number of regional training days throughout the training year in addition to local teaching at your trust.  Atleast 50% of all RTDs should be attended face to face and the other 50% virtually.

Regional training days should be booked through the School of Emergency Medicine and can be found on the KSS events calendar webpage. To attend a regional training day, you should book study leave with your trust according to their notice period, usually a minimum of six weeks. If you are unable to attend, you must give your school a valid reason for non-attendance. This may include:

  • your trust being unable to release you from service (if this recurs, please contact your school)
  • pre-booked leave (although you shouldn’t make a habit of this)
  • illness/bereavement/special leave
  • exams
  • working nights

Your attendance or non-attendance at each event will be noted and made available to the Interim review and ARCP panels. The reasons above will be taken into account by the panel, providing they are valid.

Note – trainees must book their place before attending. Trainees who do not book a place may be turned away due to capacity. Trainees who have booked but can no longer attend should aim to give their school at least 48 hours’ notice so that another trainee can attend in their place. Trainees who do not attend and fail to give a valid reason beforehand will be reported to their Training Programme Director.


As on events calendar.

Other events, courses and links:

Archived RTDs:

Are available on the NHS learning hub under KSS School of EM- access via log in with NHS email address.

Additional RCEM Guardians