Trust Contact Details
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill Canada Avenue, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH
Trust switchboard:
01737 768511
Foundation contact number:
01737 231722
Trust website:
Foundation Training Programme Directors
Dr Veqas Ziauddin (F2 FTPD)
Dr Somaditya Bandyopadhyay (F2 FTPD)
Dr Sunil Zachariah (F1 FTPD)
Director of Education
Dr Sarah Rafferty
Medical Education Manager
Heather Haynes
Deputy Medical Education Manager & Academic Registrar
Louise Iliasi
Foundation Medical Education Officer
Philippa Sedgwick
Foundation contact email:
Postgraduate Centre
The Postgraduate Medical Education Centre offers a large atrium where foundation doctors are encouraged to meet with colleagues. There is a large Lecture Theatre and 6 training rooms. There are also excellent medical and dental simulation suites.

Our accommodation is managed by an external company – A2 Dominion.
Tel No. 01737 766516
Library Facilities
The main library is at East Surrey Hospital with a smaller branch library at Crawley. The Library services provides access to a wide range of print and online databases resources, including e-books, e-journals, Anatomy TV and Clinical Key, to access most of the online resources you will need to have an Open Athens password. You also have access to two point of care tools UpToDate and BMJ Best Practice, both resources are accessible password free via the Apps page on SASHnet, where you can also create your own account in order to access these resources via an app on your mobile phone. The library service provides access to One Examination revision resources; contact the library to get an access code. To find out more about the resources available and how to get register for your Open Athens password come to the library or go to:

At East Surrey Library there are 19 PCs with Internet access and black and white, and colour printers. The librarians will provide training, support or carry out literature searches to find the evidence in support of your studies, journal club presentations or patient care. Membership to the Library is via completion of a membership form. Staffed opening hours of the Library are 9-5pm. The Library is accessible 24 hours a day following completion of an out of hours form and payment of £10.00 deposit. Remember if you can’t find the information or book you are looking for just ask one of the library team for help.
IT Facilities
The Trust continues to update and improve the IT training facilities.
Parking Arrangements
The staff car park has recently been improved to include more spaces, and dedicated parking for those starting their shifts after 9am. There is a daily parking charge.
Local Area
Local Amenities/Attractions
East Surrey Hospital is situated 2 miles south of Redhill Town Centre. The towns of Redhill and Reigate have excellent shopping, entertainments and sports facilities. Local areas of interest include the North Downs for walking and biking, flying at Redhill Aerodrome, horse racing at nearby Lingfield Park all weather courses, theatres and cinemas in Redhill, Reigate and Crawley.
Transport links
The hospital is situated within a 10 minute walk of Earlswood station and a 15 minute bus journey from Redhill station. Both stations offer fast and frequent journeys into London and out to Gatwick Airport and Brighton.
Foundation Specific

Induction/Shadowing Arrangements
The Foundation Programme consists of 36 F1 and 36 F2 individual programmes. Each individual programme is made of 3 four-month placements in specialties, offering a wide range of training experiences and opportunities including community placements. All foundation doctors are invited to attend the mandatory induction programme incorporated with shadowing as per DoH and GMC guideline.
All foundation doctors are encouraged to arrange a taster during their first F2 rotation so that they have completed it in advance of the recruitment process. It is also possible for foundation doctors to “borrow” up to 5 days of their F2 study leave in order for them to complete a taster during the final four-months of their F1 year.
All foundation doctors attend a mandatory full day of simulation training, and there are many more opportunities to be involved in Simulation training.
Foundation Doctor Forums
There is a regular Foundation Doctors’ Forum which is chaired by the Chief Executive. This is an informal meeting where foundation doctors can discuss anything they wish directly with the CEO and a panel consisting of the Executive Team and Senior Management.
Educational and Clinical Supervision
All foundation doctors are assigned a dedicated Educational and Clinical Supervisor.
Teaching Programme
The F1 programme consists of weekly curriculum mapped teaching. The F2 programme consists of curriculum-based teaching – two half days per month on a Tuesday or Thursday. All teaching is bleep free. All core teaching can be attended in person or via Zoom. We have a wide range on non-core teaching opportunities such as weekly Grand Round Lecture and department teaching.
Social Activities
Active social activities are arranged by the foundation doctors which include cricket, football social gatherings etc.
Doctors’ Mess
The Doctors Mess onsite offers a relaxing lounge area, with a large TV. The kitchen facilities are large and there are toilets, showers and lockers available. Foundation doctor reps, work alongside other foundation doctor reps to put forward business cases for improvements.
Any Additional Information
Our major site is East Surrey Hospital and we also provide a range of services at Crawley, Dorking, Caterham Dene and Horsham hospitals.
Accolades/Achievements of the Trust
Our vision: Safe, High Quality Healthcare which puts our Community First.
Our values:
Dignity & Respect: we value each person as an individual and will challenge disrespectful and inappropriate behaviour.
One Team: we work together and have a ‘can do’ approach to all that we do recognising that we all add value with equal worth.
Compassion: we respond with humanity and kindness and search for things we can do, however small; we do not wait to be asked, because we care.
Safety & Quality: we take responsibility for our actions, decisions and behaviours in delivering safe, high quality care.
Our wellbeing and peer support sessions are incorporated into core teaching. We have an F1 and F2 Mentor scheme run by higher foundation doctors.

Career Champions
Speciality Champions at East Surrey Hospital are clinicians whom you can discuss your career plans informally. They are doctors who are already working in the speciality you are interested in, and will have already made many careers decisions of their own.
Any Additional Information
The Trust has achieved university status associated with Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust.