Self Development Time for Core and Higher Specialty Resident Doctors


Self development time (SDT) was introduced for foundation doctors in 20201. Since this time, the benefits of SDT for core and higher specialty trainees has been recognised by a variety of Royal Colleges.

Work by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has shown the benefit of SDT2:

  • Clinical: more time for resident doctors to engage with specialist services and improve their clinical skills
  • Organisational: increased engagement with local quality improvement
  • Personal: improved mental health and wellbeing

As part of our Building KSS Together programme, from October 2025 we recommend that all core and higher specialty trainees should have access to SDT. We would suggest a target of:

  • Two hours per week for core trainees
  • Four hours per week for higher specialty trainees
  • Pro rata equivalent for less than full time resident doctors

What can I use my SDT for?

SDT is protected time used for career development or activities that are essential for meeting curriculum requirements. Examples of acceptable activities include:

  • Attending supervisor meetings
  • Completing ePortfolio assessments or reflections
  • Taking part in quality improvement work
  • Preparing or delivering teaching
  • Attending non timetabled specialty work (such as a relevant specialty clinic)
  • Attending work in different specialties that will aid learning (for example, an EM trainee attending emergency eye clinic)
  • Attending non-compulsory meetings (e.g. management meetings or steering groups)
  • Self-guided study or exam revision
  • Shadowing or career development activities

Is there anything I cannot use my SDT for?

Your SDT time should not be used for any day-to-day work that is part of your contract or any of the following activities:

  • Annual leave
  • Locum shifts
  • Induction or statutory training
  • Local or deanery teaching
  • Attendance at compulsory meetings
  • Job interviews
  • Completing exams

If you are not sure if the work you have planned is suitable for your SDT, please talk to your educational supervisor.

KSS principles of SDT

Because each specialty and trust has different requirements, there is not one size fits all approach. Your experience of SDT may be different from a colleague in another hospital, as some trusts may be more prescriptive than others about what SDT can be used for. To minimise any issues, we have drawn up a set of principles for trusts and resident doctors to abide by.

  1. SDT should be included in resident doctor work plans at the beginning of each placement and clearly marked on the rota
  2. Changes to SDT time by the trust should be minimised. Six weeks’ notice should be given for any non-urgent changes, as per the 2019 contract
  3. In the event of unforeseen issues such as staff sickness, it may be necessary to recall a resident doctor from SDT with less notice. An alternative date for their SDT should be agreed as soon as is practical
  4. Some resident doctors may want to reschedule an SDT day to attend a specific learning opportunity. These requests should be granted if they do not impact safe staffing levels
  5. SDT time should be grouped into half or full days where possible. This reduces the risk of SDT being affected by service provision and unnecessary travel time. SDT should be spread throughout the rota, and not given in blocks
  6. SDT time can be completed at home. However, trainees must be aware that they can be recalled at short notice, and should ensure that they are able to attend work if necessary
  7. SDT does not need to be directly supervised but resident doctors should be able to show the work done during their SDT to their educational supervisor as required
  8. SDT time should not be used for annual leave. Trusts should avoid rostering it alongside annual leave wherever possible
  9. If a resident doctor requires annual leave or study leave during SDT, they can move it to an alternative date if adequate notice is given
  10. SDT can be used for any activity that meets curriculum requirements or aids career development. If a resident doctor is unsure if their activity meets these criteria, they should discuss this with their educational supervisor.


Who is checking what I am doing on my SDT?

We believe that resident doctors know how best to use their time, so we will not routinely check on the work you have done on your SDT. However, this time should be used to keep your ePortfolio up to date and meet the curriculum requirements for your specialty.  

What if I want to change my SDT days?

Where possible, your rota coordinator should honour any changes you want to make. However, this may not always be possible if you give very short notice or there is not enough staffing available. If you want to use your SDT for specific activities, we recommend booking these as far in advance as possible.

Why can’t I go on annual leave during my SDT?

SDT is still part of your paid working hours. You may also be called back from SDT at short notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances, so you need to be available. If this happens your SDT will be granted another time.

What if I want to take annual leave or study leave on an SDT day?

Give your rota coordinator as much notice as possible and they will do their best to swap this if it does not impact safe staffing. Last minute requests may not be honoured so try and do this with as much notice as you can.

I am having problems accessing my SDT, what should I do?

Try to speak to your rota coordinator and educational supervisor initially. If you are still having problems, then speak to your trainee representative who can see if this is a more widespread problem and speak to your education team about it.

What happens if I don’t use my SDT time for work?

SDT is a recommendation. If you are found to be using your SDT for non-work-related activities then it can be supervised or removed, whichever your trust feels is most appropriate.

Information for trusts and supervisors

The following document outlines the rationale behind providing SDT for all resident doctors in training.