Fellowships and research projects sit alongside clinical practice and are vital in helping to increase knowledge and help to improve how we deliver care across Trusts, KSS and wider networks.
There is a national ask that any research is recorded in the WE-R NHS catalogue. Registration is free – please do have a look and ensure your work is reflected in here.
KSS provides annual Fellowship opportunities for doctors and other professionals during their postgraduate training.
These posts are advertised and publicised on the website and via the Heads of Schools when they become available. These are usually combined with clinical posts and typically provide around three days a week of education or leadership training and two days of clinical work.
Some of our fellows are part of the BSMS Leadership & Education Fellowships programme – see here for more information.
Showcasing Research

We have some amazing research and project work going on across KSS and we’re pleased to share some of it here. If you have work you’d like to share do get in touch by contacting england.ksspgme.se@nhs.net (fao Helen).