ST7s as clinical supervisors programme
The ST7 as clinical supervisor programme offers an opportunity for higher trainees in their final year of training to develop and practice their supervision skills before CCT. Not only does this allow mentoring in the supervisory role it also enables doctors to move into an educational supervision role as soon as they take up their consultant post.
Higher trainees entering the programme will complete a full educational supervision course in their penultimate or final year and then, once they’ve entered their final year, will act as clinical supervisor to an FY2 in their own specialty for a 4-month placement.
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and found it to be an excellent entry point into the world of more specific and “managerial” supervision that allows a good space and opportunity to develop skills that are distinct from ‘shop floor supervision’. It allows for the development of experience prior to a ‘crunch point’ during consultancy so one can enter a more senior leading role with a well rounded skill set without need to learn on the fly so much. (Dr Ben Carter ST8 Paediatrics, Cohort 3)
This experiential learning provides excellent preparation for taking on a formal supervision role while being supported by their own supervisor and the foundation programme director
I found it incredibly useful to train as a clinical supervisor in my final year prior to my CCT. In enabled me to develop me supervision and mentor skills alongside formal training with this programme. I certainly got the bug and continue to have both clinical and educational supervision as part of my job plan. (Dr Rob Greenhalgh Emergency Medicine Consultant and HEMS doctor, cohort 1)
The programme emerged from a body of work directed by the Medical Education Reform Programme in 2022 which sought to expand supervision capacity for doctors in training across England. The programme has been approved by the GMC and the UKFPO and now has approval for national spread from the English Postgraduate Deans since November 2024.
The next KSS cohort will start in December 2024 and if you are a higher trainee wishing to take part, please contact, the KSS Foundation School the Education programme manager and the medical education manager at your trust.
This programme is an excellent initiative and definitely worth pursuing for senior trainees and undoubtedly helps in portfolio for fellowship and consultant application (Miss Eirini Martinou ST8 Surgery, cohort 3)
If you are a higher trainee in another Deanery region, please contact your regional foundation school to enquire whether they are running the programme this year.
Template emails
Cohort 1 evaluation
Resource links
Role of the Foundation Clinical Supervisor
Foundation Curriculum
Rough guide to the curriculum-
The foundation curriculum-
The curriculum for supervisors-
UKFPO webinars
Education and Support Webinar – Preparing for ARCP
e-lfh resources
e-lfh site-
Educator Training Resources-
Horus e-portfolio
e-portfolio – UK Foundation Programme
The educational supervisor – UK Foundation Programme