Trust Contact Details
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital St Peter’s Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 4AN
Trust switchboard:
01843 225544
Trust website:
Foundation Training Programme Director(s)
Dr Laura Crisan –
Director of Medical Education
Dr Ciaran Crowe –
Clinical Tutor
Miss Elizabeth Sharp
Medical Education Manager
Mrs Susan Kennedy –
Foundation Programme Administrator
Danielle Bruce –
Postgraduate Centre
The Education Centre offers a lecture theatre, a number of teaching and seminar rooms and a dedicated clinical skills lab with a wide range of equipment, models and facilities. There are projection and video conferencing facilities throughout the centre. The Centre administrative staff are extremely helpful and knowledgeable and are heavily involved in providing the essential support that Foundation Programme doctors require. The Education Centres across the Trust also have Wi-Fi access. More information can be found at –
New Medical School
Since 2020 Kent has had its own medical school in the shape of the Kent and Medway Medical School, which will combine the expertise of the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University. East Kent, along with other Trusts in Kent, have a major role to play in offering secondary care placements and teaching opportunities, with the aspiration that future medical students qualifying from the Kent and Medway Medical School will take up recruitment opportunities in East Kent.
For foundation doctors, this will open up opportunities to provide mentoring and shadowing to the medical students as well as “peer” teaching and more.
East Kent is also keen to support quality improvement opportunities and hosts an annual Quality Improvement Project competition for doctors in training to showcase their projects.
Leadership opportunities e.g. year group representatives are also available.
QEQMH has high standard, on-site, modern accommodation blocks that are available to F1 Doctors. These blocks have been very well received and a second phase was completed in early 2010.
Situated 2 minutes away from the main hospital building, they are perfect for young, busy doctors. To book a room please contact the accommodation portal
For more information:
Library facilities
There is a well-stocked multi-disciplinary library located in a convenient central location within the hospital. The friendly team staff the Library between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, with 24-hour access available outside these core hours via either an activated smartcard or a library security key fob, which can be loaned from library staff.
There are 16 open access PCs available for use together with printing, copying and scanning facilities, as well as iPads available for day loans. There is also a separate Library Quiet Study room. The Library is also able to offer Wi-Fi access as part of the Trust’s free internet facility.
Using your NHS Open Athens account, you can access powerful clinical knowledge tools such as UpToDate, BMJ Case Reports and Elsevier’s Clinical Key. We are part of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) network of Healthcare Libraries which provides extensive resources, both printed and electronic. You can access the main healthcare databases and also search thousands of full-text journals and hundreds of eBooks both on and off site. We can track down journal articles, request books from other libraries and run literature searches.
Our qualified staff can provide support for research, appraisal, career planning and other academic and professional activities, as well as assisting and advising with the preparation of content for publication. This support is delivered as part of the teaching programme for both students and doctors in training, but ad hoc sessions can also be arranged.
See for further information and contact details.
IT facilities
Open access computers are available in the library providing access to Microsoft Office products and internet access via the hospital network. The teaching rooms and lecture theatre have Wi-Fi internet access.
Parking arrangements
Parking permits are available on application for all members of staff who park within the hospital grounds. This is currently deducted from your salary monthly-
Local Area
Social activities
The Medical Education Directorate at EKHUFT has seen other Trusts adopting its innovative Social Induction Programme for foundation doctors. Organised by the outgoing FP doctors, this sees a programme of events and activities in the induction week evenings/weekend that allow new FP doctors to socialize with those whose jobs they are taking and with consultants and other key members of the teams in which they will be working.

Doctors’ Mess
The Doctors’ mess at Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital is spacious, lively and well supported. Located close to all wards and the Seasons restaurant, it is a focal point for the doctors to relax, study in and gather before mess-organised events. In the mess, there is a pool table, table football and Sky TV. The mess subscription fee is £10 per month.
Local amenities/attractions
From traditional holiday-town charm, a world-class art gallery, sandy beaches, a cool café culture and tempting retro shops. Margate – ‘The Original Seaside’, is waiting to welcome you.
The internationally-acclaimed Turner Contemporary gallery named after JMW Turner showcases historical and ultra-modern art work. Take a walk along the Harbour Arm for stylish spots to eat and drink, and watch the setting sun that inspired many of Turner’s artworks.
Dreamland, the great British seaside amusement experience with historic rides, classic side shows, and eateries offers an exciting calendar of festivals and events. Margate’s Old Town rejoices in a cultural vibe – chic eateries, galleries and vintage shops mixed with traditional seaside delights.
Margate Museum, tells the history of sea-bathing and day-trippers whilst the Tudor House, is thought to be the home of a wealthy yeoman farmer. From family-holiday nostalgia, to historic sights, Margate’s rich history is everywhere. Rediscover childhood toys at the Hornby Visitor Centre, explore the Shell Grotto’s subterranean, shell-lined passages or tackle the challenging 18-hole Strokes Adventure Golf.
For more than 100-years Margate’s Winter Gardens has drawn big-name acts, from the Beatles to the Kaiser Chiefs. The town’s Theatre Royal is the second-oldest in the country, while the Tom Thumb Theatre is one of the smallest theatres in the world.
Discover more at

Transport links
Transport links to London are quick, direct and frequent. The new high-speed rail service means that journey times to St Pancras have been cut to 1 ¼ hours. There are also ferry services to Europe from the ports of Ramsgate and Dover, both a short distance from Margate.
Travelling to Ramsgate, Canterbury, Ashford and West Kent is also straightforward, allowing you the freedom to explore more of Kent at your leisure. It is easy to see why East Kent is becoming so popular – all the attractions without the London prices or stress.
Foundation Specific
Induction/shadowing arrangements
All F1 doctors are invited to attend a 4-day Induction with a varied programme, which includes shadowing of the incumbent F1 whose job they will be taking over. There is also an active Social Induction Programme organised to further enhance their orientation.
Useful information can be found on the new foundation doctor starter portal –
Foundation doctors are encouraged to undertake Tasters. They are a good opportunity to try specialties that are not included in their rotations. In the past these have been taken in such areas as Public Health, Anaesthetics, Palliative Care, Paediatrics.
In line with HEE recommendations, F1s can ‘borrow’ 5 study days from their F2 year to undertake tasters in order to help inform their career choices.
EKHUFT runs its own simulation training days, in the form of Foundation Realistic On-Call Simulation Training which is mandatory for F1 doctors and F2s will receive Simulation training with the SimMan. The Trust also offers ALS courses.
Foundation Meetings
There is a Trust wide Foundation Faculty and doctor representatives are integral members of this.
The Education Centre holds Trust wide Foundation Faculty meetings and foundation doctors are encouraged to become their year group representatives for this and to be integral members.
Representatives are actively encouraged to be a representative on the Local Academic Board too.
Educational and Clinical supervision
All foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor at the beginning of their year. The educational supervisor works closely with the foundation doctor and has regular meetings throughout the foundation year and is able to offer careers support and advice as needed. For the second and subsequent rotations, each foundation doctor has a clinical supervisor for day-to-day supervision and educational meetings. All educational supervisors have undertaken an educational supervisor accredited course or are working towards it.

Foundation Programme
In Foundation Year 1 (F1) at QEQMH there are 30 posts. The majority of doctors will undertake 12 months at QEQMH, split into 4 month rotations comprising of Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Acute medicine, Cardiology, Diabetes, Paediatrics, Respiratory medicine, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Gynaecology and Intensive Medical Care. Doctors undertaking posts in Vascular & Urology, Stroke and Psychiatry will be off-site.
In Foundation Year 2 there are 25 posts comprising of Emergency Medicine, General Practice, Palliative Medicine, Acute Medicine, Ambulatory Care, General Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Cardiology, Intensive Care, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. Stroke, Palliative Care and Ophthalmology are off site.
Teaching for all foundation doctors is the last Thursday of the month (excluding December, April and June/July), and it is a full day of teaching. This is in addition to many other teaching opportunities.
Any additional information
The Medical Education Directorate hosts an annual Health Education Awards event, which celebrates and acknowledges the hard work and success of our foundation doctors, medical students and others involved who support education and training.
Trust Information
Overview of Trust
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the largest hospital trusts in the country, with more than 6,000 staff serving a population exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated patient care in East Kent with over 80 clinical specialties. Established on 1st April 1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital
Based in the seaside town of Margate, The Queen Elizabeth, the Queen mother Hospital (QEQMH), provides the full range of accident, emergency and elective services and district general hospital services.
Recent developments have included new operating theatres; ITU facilities; children’s inpatient and outpatient facilities; a cardiac catheter laboratory; outpatient department and a cancer unit. There have been extensive improvements to staff accommodation.
Additional diagnostic capacity is currently being installed and the A&E facilities have been upgraded.

Accolades/achievements of the Trust
- EKHUFT have a national and international reputation for delivering high quality specialist care, particularly in urology, kidney disease, stroke and vascular services. The Trust values and pursues excellence in research and innovation
- EKHUFT has been ranked first in Kent for clinical research studies.
Terms and conditions of employment for additional information.
EKHUFT provides a popular and friendly destination for training doctors and medical students. There is a growing trend in the Trust for medical students to return to us as foundation doctors, such has been the quality of their experience in East Kent. The Trust takes Years 3, 4 and 5 medical students, predominantly from King’s College London Medical School. We also now train Medical Students from St George’s International School of Medicine.
In recognition of the excellent educational experience that medical students benefit from at EKHUFT, the Trust was awarded university status in 2008.