The RCPCH ePortfolio is your online record of your training. Learning events, workplace based assessments, reflection and courses can all be linked to enable you to see how you are progressing, and to provide evidence to the ARCP panel to make decisions.
In KSS we also use your portfolio to rank you for allocations. Currently this is from ST3 to ST4-5, ST4-5 to ST6 and ST6 to ST7-8. This allows us to allocated popular posts fairly, although we also take into account other factors such as personal circumstances. There is clear guidance given about how the ranking is done.
RCPCH website gives detailed and up to date information on ePortfolio and mandatory assessments.
MRCPCH exam has three written papers and a clinical examination. Guidance on these is available on the RCPCH website. Trainees are expected to pass the exam in its entirety by the end of level 1 training.
Specialty Trainee Assessment of Readiness for Tenure (START)
START is an assessment that is required in order to CCT. Trainees usually do this in ST7. It is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination-style assessment that takes place centrally. It gives feedback on the areas that trainees need to improve in order to complete their training. Detailed information on the assessment is available on the RCPCH website.