We are a committee of appointed specialty trainees chosen to act as representatives of their peers within Obstetrics & Gynaecology training in KSS. As an organisation of committed individuals, we aim to be a cohesive and visible voice to improve trainees’ experience and the quality of their education and training, as well as provide feedback and help to shape new initiatives within our region.
We aim to foster a supportive and inclusive sense of belonging within the trainee body and specialty within KSS and to act as an effective interface between the trainees and the deanery.
Trainee representation is considered a vital component of a good training programme and Obstetrics and Gynaecology have an active group of trainee reps across KSS.
Tara Giacchino. Trainee Representative (Chair)

I’m from the sunny island of Malta where I graduated from medical school and worked as a foundation doctor for 2 years. I moved to the UK in October 2017 for O&G speciality training and have been a trainee representative ever since.
I have completed my ST5 year of training and currently out of programme for research, doing a clinical and PhD fellowship in Fetal Medicine at Medway Maritime Hospital.
In November 2022 I was appointed as the Chair of the trainee representatives committee, a role very close to my heart. It is my hope and ambition to continue to work with my team to improve training conditions for trainees and make sure they feel heard and supported.
Outside of work, I’m a wife, keen runner, penguin lover, avid Formula 1 fan and enjoy learning Spanish on Duolingo!
Contact: tara.giacchino@nhs.net
Miriam O’Kane. ST7 Trainee Representative/ New Advanced Curriculum Champion

I am currently an ST7 working at Tunbridge Wells Hospital and intend to pursue a career in Urogynaecology. I have a keen interest in maternal medicine and high-risk obstetrics, but I haven’t quite yet figured out how to marry all three! I am a bit of a nomad, having hailed from the ‘wilds’ of Northern Ireland originally, trained in Scotland and then moved to the ‘deep south’ for O&G training, with a sojourn working in South Africa along the way. Since then I have managed to cross all three county lines, and more, during my time as a trainee, as well as working in Queensland, Australia. My wanderlust is not only limited to work, but also pleasure, and if you give me a ticket to the bleakest place on earth, I will probably go! When not gallivanting I am geeking out on music, yoga, and hiking.
Contact: miriam.o’kane@nhs.net
Charlotte Wyeth. ST6 Trainee Representative/ KSS Regional Lead Rep

Hi I’m Charlotte! I’m an ST5 currently and have been a trainee rep since ST1. I’m also the regional lead for trainee reps in KSS – feel free to come along to our monthly TEF meetings!
I am passionate about improving training and making sure we get the most out of it. In my spare time I have discovered gardening so can usually be found in wellies in the mud!!
Contact: charlotte.wyeth@nhs.net
Rebecca Patrick-Patel. ST4/5 Trainee representative

I am currently an ST3 working at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. I graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2017 before heading down to the sunnier south for my foundation years. I have a special interest in Urogynaecology and scanning. Outside of work I enjoy running, cycling and hiking with my dog Teddy.
Contact: r.patrick-patel@nhs.net
Matthew “Benji” Benjamin. ST3 Trainee representative

I am currently an ST2 trainee at Worthing Hospital and am the current ST2 Representative for the KSS Deanery. I started my medical training at Girton College, Cambridge, and then completed my clinical studies at King’s College London. Foundation training took me up north to Warrington and I also had some time as a clinical fellow at Wishaw hospital, near Glasgow. My BA in history and philosophy of science changed my life! So, I’m excited by sharp arguments and am wary of medical hubris. I have an interest in humanitarian medicine and have had placements at various healthcare facilities in Greece, Ghana, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Contact: matthew.benjamin@nhs.net
Aya Abusheikha. ST2 Trainee representative
Sina Mathema. ST1 Trainee representative
Urmee Jahan. Ultrasound Trainee Representative – Gynaecology/Early pregnancy

I’m Urmee and one of the ultrasound reps. My particular interest is ultrasound and endoscopy. Currently I’m working at Tunbridge Wells Hospital as an ST3.
I’ve graduated from Bangladesh and did my foundation years at East Midlands and have been an LTFT since the start of my training.
When I’m not busy with my two children, a time well spent for me is finishing a killer sudoku while enjoying a strong cup of chai or socialising with friends and family.
Contact: urmee.jahan2@nhs.net
Natasha Cascini. Ultrasound Trainee Representative – Obstetrics

I’m currently working as an ST4 at Frimley Park Hospital. I joined the KSS Obstetrics and Gynaecology training program in 2017. Over the past few years of training, I have developed a keen interest in ultrasound scanning. I have worked in various hospitals in Surrey and hope to continue to improve the training and scanning experience for O&G trainees.
Contact: natasha.cascini@nhs.net
Pavle Dimitrijevic. Laparoscopy representative

I graduated from Imperial College London before completing my foundation training in Yorkshire. After this I worked for two years in Australia in both ED and O&G before commencing training in 2021.
I am passionate about teaching as well as laparoscopy and am currently a BSUOG mentor and have previously been a PVOG NSW Rep in Australia. My areas of interest are Endometriosis, Pelvic pain and Minimal Access Surgery (MAS). I am hoping to continue the great laparoscopy teaching already available in the deanery and further expand trainees’ abilities to access this.
Outside of work you’ll find me travelling, skiing or taking part in endurance races of one form or another.
Contact: pavle.dimitrijevic@nhs.net
Ashwini Maudhoo. E-portfolio champion

I am currently a ST2 working at East Surrey Hospital. I graduated from Barts and the London in 2019 and have worked in South London and KSS since. I have a special interest in reproductive medicine and research. I am passionate about optimising our training experience and hope to do this as E-portfolio rep. Outside of work I enjoy long walks, trying out new foods and travelling.
Contact: ashwini.maudhoo@nhs.net
Abi Macleod-Thompson. Less than full time (LTFT) representative

I am the KSS Less than Full Time (LTFT) Representative. In 2016 I started my training in O&G full time but post having my second child I returned in January 2020 LTFT. I am currently ST6 (70%) and undertaking ATSMs in urogynaecology and advanced labour ward. I have mainly worked in hospitals to the west of the KSS deanery and I am here to provide help and support for any questions related to life working LTFT. Contact: abimacleod-thompson@doctors.org.uk
Gillian Coyle. Wellbeing & Workplace behaviour representative

I am currently working as ST7 at the Royal Surrey in Guildford. I am completing the Labour Ward and Open & Laparoscopic Gynaecology ATSM’s. I am a less than full time trainee and have taken time out of training for an OOPE in minimal access surgery and maternity leave. As a result of these, I am now a longstanding KSS trainee with a decade of experience within the deanery! I really hope this means I can assist trainees with any aspects of their work lives or wellbeing in an understanding and proactive way.
Contact: gillian.coyle@nhs.net
Laila Sarwar. Wellbeing & Workplace behaviour representative

I am Laila and currently working at Darent Valley Hospital as ST4.and on the trainee committee as wellbeing and workforce behaviour Rep.
I am also mum to a 4yr old and a big foodie! I enjoy long walks in the nature!
The rep role is something I am really passionate about and I hope I can make some difference in this area that will benefit us all. I am very happy for anyone to reach out to me and I will definitely do my best to get the right support for you!
Contact: lailumah.sarwar@nhs.net
Naomi Harvey. RCOG representative
Contact: naomi.harvey2@nhs.net