Role Development for ESTABLISHED Educational Supervisors

As an established ES you will now be familiar with how to supervise your trainees and also how to fulfil your mandatory appraisal requirements in this role (if you are unsure please visit the ‘new ESs’ part of this page). We hope you are now thinking about the next step in your educational career, thinking about taking on more senior educational roles within the Trust or the Deanery, with a wider and more holistic remit for supporting your trainees as they develop in their career.

Most educationalists will start by taking on a Trust role such as college tutor (local faculty group lead) or a Trust educational champion role such as LTFT lead, IMG tutor, LED tutor or SuppoRTT champion: and your local educational leads will be delighted to discuss this with you.

In order to progress your educational career we therefore suggest you might like to:

  • Have a discussion with a more experienced educator to clarify your thoughts both about educational career direction and personal development needs as you move on: this should absolutely be your starting point   
  • have a look at role descriptions in the Tier 4 section of this website
  • check out the Medical Education Leaders UK website ( for information, online resources and training events 
  • browse the e-lfH catalogue for ideas on areas of medical education development
  • ask your PGME department about local opportunities – our medical education managers in KSS are extremely knowledgeable and helpful

It also might be the case that you are happy in your role as ES with no wish to change role, so in this situation you will need to complete mandatory appraisal requirements in your role (which are detailed in the ‘role description and appraisal requirements’ section of this site) and ensure you have a PDP in this area of your scope of work to discuss at your regular appraisal.