There are a number of valuable, curriculum-linked educational events supported by the study leave reforms delivered to resident doctors within Trusts and by other providers. For these events to be supported from the study leave budget, the following guidance will apply:
Process for courses included on the specialty course lists
Prospective approval for locally delivered events, including simulation, will not be required if the following criteria are met:
– There is a clear link to curriculum-mandated or curriculum-optional course codes as specified on the approved specialty course lists, and,
– The funding is used directly for the development of trainees on NHSE-supported training programmes.
Course organisers should check the approved study leave specialty course lists in the first instance to confirm whether the proposed event matches a preapproved code on the course lists.
If the course matches a preapproved code, prospective approval for funding will not be required. Trusts should submit claims for reimbursement of locally delivered events on their monthly return once the course has taken place using the relevant code from the course list. This includes claims for previously bulk-funded courses such as simulation for Foundation and IMT trainees. Please ensure that the names, GMC numbers and programme details of all attendees are listed.
Please also use the relevant code from the course list when advertising the course, so that trainees are aware which curriculum requirement the course fulfils.
When claiming for multi-specialty courses, please identify the most predominant specialty attending and use the code from this specialty course list. In such cases, please make clear when advertising the course that it is a multi-specialty event.
Process for courses NOT included on the specialty course lists
If the course does not match a code on the existing curriculum aligned list, you should apply for preapproval of funding and the allocation of a unique approval code by the Study Leave Team before the course takes place. Please complete the locally delivered approvals form here.
The Study Leave Team will then forward the request to the relevant Deputy Postgraduate Dean for approval of funding. Please provide an itemized breakdown of all costs to demonstrate how the proposed course represents value for money and to enable a decision on funding to be made. Please note the general guidance below with regards to catering and venue costs.
The Study Leave Team will contact you directly with the outcome once received and issue a unique funding approval code if required. The claim can then be added to the Trust’s monthly return in the usual way once the course has taken place. Please ensure that the names, GMC numbers and programme details of all attendees are listed.
Process for courses hosted by external providers
Please follow the relevant approval process outlined above to confirm whether the proposed course matches a preapproved code on the course lists or requires a unique code to be issued. Once a code has been confirmed, please contact the study leave team via to request a Purchase Order (PO).
Courses hosted by external providers are paid via invoice.
If the cost is likely to exceed £10,000 (including VAT), please contact for procurement guidance.
General guidance – spending limits
Please note that there is a limit of £5 per head on all refreshment costs. This is based on the guidelines given in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Costs for locally delivered events should not usually exceed £350 per resident doctor per day. Please contact in advance for advice if you wish to request funding that exceeds this limit.
Please note that venue costs within the Trust cannot be claimed from the study leave budget. Funding for Trust education centres is received as part of the placement Tariff. Locally delivered courses should be delivered on the premises – no overnight accommodation costs at external venues will be funded.
Trusts are able to claim for the predicted number of delegates that will attend. This number should be realistic and based on previous events. Trusts will be responsible for ensuring attendance but will not be penalized where resident doctors cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances. However, where this is the case, we would expect resident doctors to be formally written to advising them of the costs involved. The Study Leave team will monitor this on a monthly basis.
Please note that funding from the study leave budget is intended for NHSE resident doctors/trainees only. Funding for the attendance of those not on NHSE training programmes will only be approved in exceptional cases if these attendees make up no more than 10% of the total number of attendees for a locally delivered course.
As previously agreed, the locally delivered events funding cannot be used for the following:
- – Regional Training Days (unless by exception, with prior approval – e.g. for pan-London/KSS or pan-regional events)
- – Trust Statutory and Mandatory Training Events
- – Local teaching events that do not attract a cost per event to resident doctors/trainees
- – Events where funding has already been received though placement Tariff, such as simulation facilities and infrastructure.