(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA) ST4(11 May 2022)
What is it?A one day course to provide experience and improve confidence in managingpaediatric emergencies for ST4 Anaesthetists. Who is […]
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Annual Obstetric Anaesthesia Higher Training Day (Post FRCA)(17 May 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) APT REGIONAL STUDY DAY(19 May 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal. Mandatory for Advanced Pain Trainees
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Regional Anaesthesia for Higher trainees Post-Final FRCA trainees(23 May 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal. Mandatory for Advanced Pain Trainees
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Management and Leadership. The curriculum and beyond Post-Final FRCA trainees(21 Jun 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Introduction to Obstetric Anaesthesia(05 Jul 2022)
To reserve your place on a first come first serve basis
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Major Trauma for Anaesthetists Post final FRCA (ST4+) (MS Teams)(19 Jul 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022)Advanced Pain Training Regional Study Day: NHS plan, commissioning, funding, issues for new consultants, headache part 2(21 Jul 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal. Compulsory for the Advanced Pain Trainees Optional targeted […]
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS Anaes, RTD, 2022) APT Regional Study Day ST3+ (Hybrid)(19 Aug 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) APT Open Day ST3+ (MS Teams)(01 Sep 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS Anaes, RTD, 2022) APT Regional Study Day ST3+ (Hybrid)(19 Sep 2022)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal. Compulsory for the Advanced Pain Trainees Optional targeted […]
- Anaesthesia