(KSS, Anaesthesia, RTD, 2023) Core Anaesthesia Regional Training Day in Obstetric Anaesthesia CT1-CT3(10 Jan 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, ACCS/ Anaes, RTD, 2022) OATS- ST3(10 Jan 2023)
To register please email Who is it for? ST3 Anaesthetists in KSS When is it? Two dates 10th and 11th […]
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2022) Neuro Critical Care Study Day ST3-7 MS Teams(18 Jan 2023)
The registration for link for this training day is:
- Anaesthesia,
- Intensive Care Medicine
(Pan London/KSS Anaes, RTD, 2022) Advanced Pain Training Regional Study Day ST3+ (Hybrid)(19 Jan 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaesthesia, RTD, 2023) Perioperative Medicine Regional Training Day Stage 1 CT1 – CT4(24 Jan 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Acute Care Common Stem,
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaesthesia, RTD, 2023) Airway workshop for senior trainees including radiology and case based discussion ST5+(20 Feb 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London/KSS Anaes, RTD, 2022) APT Regional Study Day ST3+ (Hybrid)(23 Feb 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(KSS & South East London, Anaes, RTD, 2023) Tunbridge Wells Hospital Airway Day ST3+(20 Mar 2023)
To register or for booking enquiries please contact
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, ACCS/ Anaes, RTD, 2022) CATS- Core CT3 & ACCS CT3(21 Mar 2023)
To register please email Who is it for? Core level CT2 and above (ACCS CT3 and above) Anaesthetists in KSS […]
- Anaesthesia
(Pan London & KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2023) EASY Primary FRCA mock viva course(Pan London & KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2023) CT1 – CT3(29 Mar 2023)
To register please email Targeted for all CT1 – CT3 Core Anaesthetics and ACCS (Anaesthetics) trainee
- Acute Care Common Stem,
- Anaesthesia
(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2023) Bariatric Anaesthesia Higher Regional Training Day ST3+(20 Apr 2023)
To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.
- Anaesthesia
(KSS & Pan London, Anaes, RTD, 2023) Sussex FRCA Primary SOE & OSCE course(24 Apr 2023)
To register, please visit click on the poster where you would find a QR code.
- Anaesthesia