
(KSS, ACCS/Core Anaesthetics, RTD, 2021) Core Anaesthetic Trainee Simulation (CATS) Ready for Reg Course Surrey Trainees Only CT2(21 Apr 2021)

Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford, Egerton Rd, Guildford GU2 7XX

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD,2021) Obstetric Crisis Resource Simulation Training ST3+(22 Apr 2021)

Simulation Suite, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford Kent

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Brighton ACRM Simulation CT2(05 May 2021)

Brighton and Sussex Medical School Simulation Centre, Village Way, Falmer

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal

  • Acute Care Common Stem,
  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Ready for Reg – Anaesthetics Crisis Resource Management Training CT2(06 May 2021)

Simulation Suite, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford Kent

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Acute Care Common Stem,
  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Brighton ACRM Simulation CT2(07 May 2021)

Brighton and Sussex Medical School Simulation Centre, Village Way, Falmer

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal

  • Acute Care Common Stem,
  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Vascular Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine ST5-ST7 (MS Teams)(10 May 2021)

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Higher Obs Training Day ST5-ST7 (Via MS Teams)(25 May 2021)

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD,2021) Management of Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA) ST4-ST5(26 May 2021)

Medisim, education centre, Royal Surrey County Hospital, GU2 7XX

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal. Single day event running on two days 

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) PLan A to D Blocks + General Emergencies ST5+(07 Jun 2021)

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Trauma and Major Incidents ST5-ST7 (Via MS Teams)(11 Jun 2021)

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Anaesthesia

(KSS, Anaes, RTD, 2021) Careers Development Day 2021 CT1-ST7 (MS Teams)(30 Jun 2021)

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Acute Care Common Stem,
  • Anaesthesia

(KSS & South London, Anaes & ICM, RTD, 2021) Environmental Emergencies CT1-ST7(14 Jul 2021)

MS Teams

To register, please visit HEE London and South East PGMDE Events Booking Portal.

  • Acute Care Common Stem,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • Intensive Care Medicine