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FFICM SOE/OSCE Revision Course 2025

February 26 at 8:00 am until 5:30 pm

A revision course for the FFICM SOE OSCE examination. The morning will feature 2 SOE examinations, each with 8 questions. The first with face to face feedback, the second under mock examination conditions. The afternoon will feature 2 OSCE examinations, each with 8 questions. The examiners will be ICU consultants from KSS. There will also be an exam technique lecture. Each candidate will receive personalised feedback. Lunch and refreshments provided.  The course costs £180 for full day or £90 for a half day. Please email Alexa Curtis (Alexa.curtis2@nhs.net) for a a place on the course.

11 Lecture Hall, Louisa Martindale Building, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, BN2 5BE