We now use the Kaizen eportfolio and exams information is on :RCEM.ac.uk and exam guidance on https://rcemcurriculum.co.uk/assessment/
ARCP Requirements:
The RCEM ARCP decision aides are handy to see at a glance what evidence trainees need to provide for their ARCP in each training year.
Please refer to these
when preparing your ePortfolio. Please be aware that if trainees are missing any evidence, they may be awarded an unsatisfactory outcome at ARCP.
- Multi-source Feedback (MSF): Your MSF summary should be released to you and discussed with you before your ARCP. There should be a minimum of 12 responses with three/four of these being consultant responses (two MSFs per year per specialty post).
- Enhanced Form R: You are required to submit your completed Enhanced Form R part B at each ARCP. This is not required for Interim Reviews.
- Aim for 1-2 events a week of which one should be USS and 3 ESLEs from ST3 onwards.
- Faculty government statement – Multi-consultant feedback from Local Faculty Group meeting. At least one required per year.
ARCP (Higher trainees):
The ARCP process is mandatory and must be undertaken at least once a year. The panel will be unable to review progress if trainees do not have your ePortfolio record up to date, or fail to submit the relevant paperwork. This could result in trainees being prevented from progressing to the next stage of their training.
Interim Review (for all ST1-ST6 trainees):
The interim review is a face-to-face meeting to review all the evidence in trainees ePortfolio part way through their training year. This ensures trainees are on track for attaining a satisfactory ARCP outcome in the summer. It also allows trainees the time to discuss your training and experience with consultants who are not assigned as your Educational Supervisor.