Exams and ePortfolios


Please review the Exam advice on rcem curriculum page.

The introduction of the new curriculum in August 2021 brings with it a number of changes to the suite of EM examinations. These changes are the culmination of over three years of consultation, development and refinement and they are designed to offer significant improvements to both content, delivery and process.

From August 2021:

  • There is reduction in number of exam components
  • FRCEM Critical Appraisal and QIP removed as distinct examination component (QI and research will be assessed by portfolio evidence for UK trainees)
  • Written exam format changing to Single Best Answer questions (SBAQ)
  • Reintroduction of MRCEM OSCE into the GMC approved suite of exams
  • From 1 August 2021, MRCEM achieved after 1 August 2012 is valid for entry to HST and FRCEM examinations

Examination requirements for award of MRCEM after August 2021:

  • MRCEM Primary SBA or FRCEM Primary or MRCEM A between August 2012 – August 2016
  • MRCEM SBA or FRCEM Intermediate SAQ or MRCEM B between August 2012 – August 2016
  • MRCEM OSCE after August 2012

Examination requirements for award of FRCEM from August 2021

  • MRCEM Primary SBA or FRCEM Primary or MRCEM A between August 2012 – August 2016
  • MRCEM SBA or FRCEM Intermediate SAQ or MRCEM B between August 2012 – August 2016
  • MRCEM OSCE or FRCEM Intermediate SJP
  • FRCEM SBA or FRCEM Final SAQ between August 2016 August 2021



You need to be a member of your college in order to begin specialty training and to gain access to the ePortfolio system.  You will not be able to use ePortfolio until you have registered (new trainees) or renewed your membership and paid the fees (existing trainees).

We expect that all trainees use ePortfolio to record their training.  To get an e-portfolio account you will need to register with the relevant college to your ACCS exit specialty. You will need to ensure you keep your ePortfolio up to date as this will be used as evidence for your ARCP.  Failure to do so may result in an unsatisfactory outcome.

Acute Medicine- LEAVE as it is as still using NESS NHS portfolio

Anaesthesia- Leave as STILL using Life long platform

Emergency Medicine- Kaizen portfolio-  www.portfolio@rcem.ac.uk

Acute Medicine

Royal College of Physicians – www.rcplondon.ac.uk/jrcptb

The JRCPTB ePortfolio can be accessed at: www.nhseportfolios.org

The ePortfolio user guide and contact details for the helpdesk team can be found at: www.jrcptb.org.uk/ePortfolio/Pages/Introduction.aspx

Help desk: ePortfolioteam@jrcptb.org.uk


Royal College of Anaesthesia (RCOA) – http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/

The RCOA ePortfolio can be accessed at: https://www.trainingeportfolio.rcoa.ac.uk

Trainees need to return a new user details form to the college at the start of each training year in August.

Helpdesk : e-Portfolio@rcoa.ac.uk

Emergency Medicine

Royal College of Emergency Medicine – https://www.rcem.ac.uk/

The CEM ePortfolio can be accessed at: www.nhseportfolios.org

Trainees need to return a new user details form to the college at the start of each training year in August.

Help desk : training@collemergencymed.ac.uk