ARCP and Interim Reviews

Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCPs)

Ophthalmology ARCPs take place as per the national guidelines – often in June. They are usually performed “in absentia” – i.e trainees do not need to attend. A panel of certified assessors will assess trainees’ portfolios to ensure they meet the training requirements for their level of training.

Trainees’ portfolios should normally be complete 2 weeks before their ARCP, when they will be “locked” to prevent trainees adding further evidence.

Trainees will need to have uploaded:

  • Summary of Training Progress reports for first and second half of the year (two forms)
  • Clinical Supervisor reports for each consultant whom you have worked with a least once per week – one set for first six months, another set for the second six months (four-14 forms)
  • Educational Supervisor reports for each six month block (two forms)
  • all WBA (work based assessments) required for your level of training
  • details of your surgical log book and continuous cataract audit 
  • Form R and Self Declaration Form (this will be emailed to you by HEE)
  • GMC Training Survey certificate of completion 
  • other evidence as described for your level of training (see guide for specifics) 

Trainees should be advised about their estimated ARCP outcome by their educational supervisor at each meeting. Any adverse outcomes may require trainees to attend a meeting for feedback after the ARCP has made their decision.

Further details about ARCP will be sent to trainees nearer to the time, but if there are any questions please contact Mr Lindfield, TPD on 

Interim Review

This is a mid-year review of trainees’ progress. Usually both Head of School (Adam Bates) and Training Programme Director (Dan Lindfield) will be present.

The interim review aims to see how trainees are progressing academically, clinically and surgically as well as acting as a pastoral feedback forum. You will be asked to complete an interim review form prior to the meeting to summarise you training progress, achievements and portfolio completion.

Trainees will be emailed to arrange a time and date, and we try to coincide these with regional events where possible to minimise the impact on your life and training. Video call reviews are also available if absolutely required. 

Prior to interim reviews, trainees will need to have completed:

  • Summary of Training Progress report on ePortfolio
  • Clinical Supervisor reports with all supervisors who supervise the trainee at least once per week (usually between two and five reports but depends on each trainee’s timetable)
  • Educational Supervisor report
  • Interim review form

These meetings are usually in January/February. If any weaknesses are detected then a training plan may be given to you as you build your portfolio toward ARCP.