
Relocation process

Since 1 April 2018, the employing NHS Trust administers and funds the relocation and excess travel costs for all junior doctors on NHSE KSS training programmes.

The aim of this process is to give a better service and experience for trainees:

  • payment via HEE caused tax issues for trainees
  • align nationally – by moving approvals and payment to Trusts, this will align nationally and simplify process for trainees moving between regions.
  • quicker reimbursement for trainees – previous process was slow for trainees to be reimbursed due to volume of queries in the region.

Both eligibility and claims are managed by the employing Trust. Trainees are advised to contact their employing Trust Medical Staffing Team to claim for relocation expenses.

If you have any trainee query regarding relocation, please visit the London and KSS Support Portal relocation FAQ webpage in the first instance.