Please see below for our KSS June bulletin.
Highly Important
Industrial action and time out of training (TOOT)
The national guidance and FAQs published earlier this year remains in effect and has not changed. The guidance can be found here.
For the foundation programme, it states: –
All Foundation doctors have a 20-day absence allowance (per year) for sick leave, compassionate leave, jury service and industrial action. This is particularly important in Foundation Year 1 (FY1) as this is a time-based programme, with each FY1 doctor having to complete 12 months training pro rata.
If a Foundation doctor has more time off than this, a review of their performance is triggered by the Foundation School, this may mean an automatic extension to training depending on the length of time off.
In the event of doctors in training taking industrial action in 2023-4, then any time absent from work maybe considered to be within the ’20-day allowance’.
If the ’20-day allowance’ is exceeded for any reason (including industrial action), then this should trigger a review of overall performance and achievement of curricular outcomes by the Foundation School; this may mean an automatic extension to training depending on the length of time off. This review will be carried out by the Foundation School with oversight by the Postgraduate Dean, but, in line with Gold Guide, does not require an Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP).
This should be discussed with the Foundation School Director/Postgraduate Dean before any training is extended.
ARCP Review of recommended outcomes
Further to the above, KSS Foundation School follows an ARCP review process which has been agreed with our PG Dean and is in line with UKFPO guidance and the Gold Guide (3.185: For foundation doctors, where a trainee has been absent for both statutory (e.g. maternity/paternity/adoption) and non-statutory reasons for a total of 20 working days or more within each 12-month period, an early review will be triggered with regard to whether the trainee needs to have their F1 or F2 year extended).
The Foundation School review panel will meet in late June for F1s and early July for F2s (once all KSS Trusts have completed their Foundation ARCPs) to amend or ratify all panel outcome recommendations. Upon completion, we will be updating training doctors eportfolios and informing their Trust.
F2 Responsible Officer Details
F2s are responsible for ensuring they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer. For doctors in training, this is your Postgraduate Dean. For more information please see:
Important Information
Provisionally registered doctors (foundation year one/F1) must not undertake formal locum posts or activities
Provisionally registered doctors can undertake occasional ad hoc additional/overtime shifts on their current FY1 placement or previous FY1 placements that have formed part of their F1 rotation, where such work is undertaken only within the limits of their current competence and with the support of their educational supervisor. When undertaking such occasional ad hoc additional/overtime work, provisionally registered doctors should be clear with other members of their team about their current experience and level of competence.
SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices
The SCRIPT programme is a collection of innovative eLearning portfolios designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management among healthcare professionals.
SCRIPT will enhance your knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management. You will receive a certificate for each module that you complete, which can be used in your online learning portfolio. SCRIPT is easy to use. You can access the modules at a time which suits you and revisit them even after completion. You can learn more about the SCRIPT eLearning programme and how to sign up by visiting Medicine & Surgery | Safe Prescriber
Study Leave
The KSSFS Admin Team have received several queries on how KSS Foundation Year 2 Doctors can apply for Discretionary Study Leave. For clarity, please see below.
Discretionary Study Leave should be applied for prospectively and not retrospectively.
- Foundation Doctor (FD) seeks support from Educational Supervisor and trust (local) Foundation Training Programme Director (FTPD).
- Local FTPD seeks approval from the area Foundation School Director (FSD)
- Local FSD replies to trust TPD, including study leave team.
- Local TPD can then reply to FD with outcome.
- If approved, on the guidance from the study leave team FD completes study leave form on the study leave portal.
If you have any further questions, please do contact the school at:
KSS Contact details have changed
For Foundation Year 1 queries please email
For Foundation Year 2 queries please email
For any other queries please email
PSA sittings 2024-2025
All sittings are scheduled to commence at 13.00.
- Tuesday 10 September 2024
- Thursday 20 March 2025
- Thursday 1 May 2025
e-Learning opportunities
Welcome to your May 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme.
The Foundation elearning programme covers key areas in your Foundation curriculum. It has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England e-learning for healthcare (NHSE eLfH) and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Reminders and Guidance
TIS Checks
Please can we use this opportunity to remind Medical Education colleagues in Trusts to work with their Medical Staffing teams to regularly check Foundation Doctors’ posts on TIS, against internal records. Early recognition of any discrepancies can help us all to resolve issues quickly.
Also, if you have not already informed us of any F1s that have withdrawn from training, please do so, as we aren’t always made aware by trainees themselves.
F2 – Higher training
For those in F2 wanting to move straight into higher training, the application windows for specialty training will soon be open and details of person specifications for application can be found on the specialty training website:
Foundation Doctors taking Parental Leave
Please can all foundation doctors who will be taking a period of Parental Leave complete the following training interruption form: and return to This is in addition to informing your employing Trust.
Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training for London and KSS
Please click the link below for guidance regarding Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training.
Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services
Please see below link for guidance regarding Foundation doctors in community placements contributing to acute services:
NHS employers’ guidance on induction for international medical graduates
Please see below link to guidance from NHS employers:
Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities
Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities within the Local Education Provider and Minimum Requirements for Clinical Supervision of Foundation Doctors: see document.
Foundation ARCP requirements
The ARCP checklist can be found here:
Foundation School Representatives
Mentors for incoming KSS FY1s – volunteers needed.
Y5 students have now been allocated their hospitals and rotations for next year. Our KSSFS reps are seeking current foundation doctors to volunteer as mentors, to help answer questions from the incoming set of FY1s regarding your trust. If you are happy to be contacted and answer some questions, please complete the form below, which also provides some further information. This will create a great network of old and new foundation doctors. Thank you!
Courses, fellowships, events and surveys
Have you ever considered a career in Clinical Genetics?
Hosted by a national faculty of professionals in Clinical Genetics.
Monday 30th September 2024 (starting at 13:00)
To register for this free online event, For enquiries, please contact:
TIPSQI Summer Showcase- 24th July 2024 18:00 to 21:00
Register your interest for a junior doctor led, free, national, quality improvement virtual conference.
To attend or present, register on Eventbrite page
For more information, contact us on

An Introduction to Anaesthesia
Is a one-day virtual course run by members of the University College London Hospital anaesthetics department.
- Title: An Introduction to Anaesthesia
- Date: Saturday 13th July
- Time: 08.45 – 16.30
- Location: Virtual (Teams)
- Audience: Medical students and junior doctors interested in pursuing a career in anaesthesia
- Objective: To provide an introduction to anaesthesia, life as a trainee and hot topics in the field
- Registration: FREE or pay £25 for a certificate of attendance
To register please visit:
We look forward to welcoming anyone who is interested to ‘An Introduction to Anaesthesia’ in July. Should anyone have any enquiries or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Radiology Resident Forum (RRF) 5th annual conference – 13th of October 2024
This year the conference will be hosted at King’s College London alongside online attendance. This prestigious event will bring together professionals and researchers in the field of radiology to share insights, present groundbreaking research, and foster collaboration. This course provides 8 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of The Royal College of Radiologists.
To register for this free event, please submit the form provided here.
We are also welcoming submissions for abstracts for presentation at the conference. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your latest research, audits or case reports to an audience of esteemed peers and leaders in Radiology.
Key Dates:
- Abstract Submissions Open: 20th May 2024
- Abstract Submissions Close: 15th July 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 16th August 2024
Please ensure your submissions adhere to the guidelines provided here. We encourage a wide range of topics and innovative approaches within the field of radiology. Please submit your abstracts here.
RCPath Foundation Fellowships
The College makes available 25 Foundation Fellowships annually. The Foundation Fellowship Scheme is open to Foundation doctors who secure a Foundation post in which they will rotate through a pathology specialty between 1 August 2024, and 31 July 2025. The pathology specialties include histopathology, haematology, medical microbiology, chemical pathology, or any other specialty represented by the College.
Foundation Fellows receive opportunities to get involved in a range of College activities, meetings, and events.
The closing date is Monday 08 July 2024. Successful candidates will be informed by the end of July 2024.
More information can be found on the College website. If your department has placements for Foundation doctors, please encourage them to apply.
Doctors for the NHS £700 essay prize
Doctors for NHS are repeating the Essay Prize this year with £700 prize money in association with the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, who again have offered to consider publishing the winning entry.
The title this year is:
“Non-medical practitioners on the front line – a help or hindrance to good practice?’’
Further details are available on the Doctors for NHS website:
Closing date for submission: 31st July 2024.
Survey: Junior doctors’ perceptions on undergraduate academic practises
One of the medical students at the University of Manchester is doing a project exploring junior doctors’ perceptions on undergraduate academic practises. The hope is that responses from the study will prompt important discussions on the fair use of informal question banks, past exam materials etc, so the process becomes more accessible and equitable. Your responses will be paramount in generating the evidence needed, and the survey offers you an opportunity to share your own experiences and opinions.
The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes and all responses are anonymous and untraceable. Please use the following link to participate: []
If you have any questions or further comments about the study, please feel free to contact Dr Antonia Peilober-Richardson at
F2 and IMT scholarship to attend the BSACI Annual Allergy & Immunology Conference
The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is offering current FY2 and IMT trainees the opportunity to receive a scholarship to attend the 2024 BSACI Annual Conference in Allergy and Immunology. To learn more please visit BSACI 2024 UK Conference – 2 – 5 October | Harrogate Convention Centre (
Exploring the role of Virtual Reality (VR)’s role in postgraduate paediatric training
A student at UCL is asking for volunteers to take part in her MedEd Masters study exploring how Virtual Reality (VR) can enhance postgraduate paediatric training.
No prior VR experience is needed to join the study, which involves a quick online survey that takes about 10 minutes. You can also opt for a virtual interview, which lasts around 30 minutes. If interested, please sign up using the link in the survey:

Useful Websites and Contacts
- KSS Website (home page)
- KSS Foundation webpage
- KSS Bulletin
- Careers, Professional Support & Wellbeing Service
- Forms, documents and useful links
- Foundation programme curriculum & foundation programme rough guide
- KSS Foundation Team
- KSS Foundation reps
UKFPO Bulletin:
Read the latest UKFPO Bulletin (June)